Searching and Songwriting

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I sat up in bed, sure I heard something. Was that... Music? I reached out my arm to nudge Ed awake, only to realize his space was empty. Damn, what's with him and this new 'disappearing while you sleep' thing?

I slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed, wincing slightly as my damaged ribs jabbed my side. I hopped down to the cold, hardwood floor and shivered at its touch; I decided to grab my robe. Then, I listened closely to the faint music I still heard that seemed to be floating through the air. Whatever it was, I liked it. I couldn't hear the exact tune yet, but it soothed me. I crept down the hallway, smiling as the music got louder. I spotted a room with the door closed, and through the darkness, I could see a faint crack of light. I shivered again, wrapping my robe tighter around me. I pushed the door open as quietly as I could, careful not to disturb what was happening, and poked my head inside. I saw Ed, with his back turned to me, humming and singing to himself as he strummed his guitar. He would stop every few seconds to write down something, then continued to play.

I had heard Ed play before, of course, and sing too. But never a full song. Sometimes, when we were writing, he would just sing a single part as an example and strum a few chords. I had never noticed. Until now.

He was amazing, breathtaking even. As he lightly strummed his guitar and plucked strings every once in a while, it faded perfectly with his soft and whispery voice. He could change pitches in a heartbeat; he sang from an alto to a soprano, it seemed like. I never knew to a full extent how talented he was. Ed never really seemed to express himself in music in front of others. I never knew his capability. Now, as I watched him sing so passionately to himself, not a care in the world, I knew he was lost in it. The music, that is. I listened closer.

"You look so wonderful in your dress,
I love your hair like that.
The way it falls on the side of your neck,
Down your shoulders and back."

I remember one time, we were walking to a café together when we were still friends. (You know, before we started dating) I was wearing a sundress I had just bought, and I had my hair in a simple side ponytail as we walked down the street, laughing and talking. Then, serious as ever, Ed told me that I looked beautiful. I had blushed, telling him that no, he was wrong, but thank you. I remember that day. That day contributed to my realization that I was in love with my best friend.

"We are surrounded by all of these lies,
And people who talk too much.
You got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us."

This reminded me of all those days that I had been terrified walking into school. Gripping onto Ed's hand each time, we walked through the halls together as we heard the rumors flying everywhere around us. Every time, I had looked at him and he had known what I meant. 'These aren't true.'

"And should this be the last thing I see?
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cuz all that you are is all that I'll ever need.
I'm so in love."

I had thought the same thing in the days before Ed and I had told each other how we felt. I had been in a really bad place, and still somewhat am. But I had realized my feelings, and I was planning something. Something that I wouldn't, couldn't, do to Ed now. But he had come over randomly with my favorite stuff. And I knew then that he was for me. I had known before, but I think that night, we both kinda knew.

"You look so beautiful in this light,
Your silhouette over me.
The way it brings out the blue in your eyes,
Is the Tenerife Sea."

The blue in your eyes. He had told me that once. Ed told me that my eyes reminded him of a sea, so mysterious and deep, yet bright. That night I had looked in the mirror, staring into my own eyes as I tried to see water. All I saw was blue. The next day, I asked Ed what made him see a sea in my eyes, because all I saw was blue. He just smiled and told me that everyone sees different things in different objects, people, places, etc. Where I see blue, he sees a bright sea. Where I might see my face as gross, he sees it as beautiful and more perfect than anything he's ever seen. Then, he had kissed my forehead, leaving me dumbfounded and without words. I had cried later, not out of sadness, but out of mystery. I had seen a drop of the sea fall from my eyes.

"And all of the voices surrounding us here,
They just fade out when you take a breath.
Just say the word and I will disappear
Into the wilderness."

I had told Ed once, when I was in denial of having someone who loved and cared about me so much, that he didn't have to pretend to love me. That if I was a burden to him, just say the word, and I would go. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I would go into the woods if I had to, to make him happy. I said I loved him very much anyway, wether he felt the same or not, and that loving him was like being lost in a world of wonder that had no escape. Where, in that world, he would just take a breath, and the world would fall under his spell, falling quiet. Ed had spent the night with me, holding me while I cried with him, and assured me that he felt the exact same way about me. And I believed him, finally, and I told him that as I drifted to sleep in his arms. Together.

"Lumière darlin',
Lumière over me."

I had remembered that name from Beauty and the Beast. I loved the name of the candle, Lumière. I had looked it up to see if it had any meaning while Ed sat on the couch next to me, laughing at my curiosity. It had said this: "Lumiere is the french word for "light." This girl is the light in his life. She is so beautiful - inside and out - that she lights up his life. He realizes he loves her."
I had gasped, flailing my arms and exclaiming that it was 'so freaking adorable!' Ed had looked at me and smiled. Now, I fiddled with my ring.

I silently backed away, as I realized he was almost done playing, and closed the door without making a sound. Then, I smiled and tip-toed back to my bed. My heart surged with extreme love for my ginger best friend.


Later in the night, I awoke again and I felt Ed climbing back into his spot next to me. I pretended to have not been awoken. He took his place, laid there for a second, then leaned over and kissed my forehead ever so slightly.
I smiled the tiniest bit so he wouldn't notice. My hand lay near my face, so I turned my ring around on my finger. I felt something brush against my skin that I hadn't noticed before. I slid the ring off smoothly, trying to investigate.

And in the moonlight that shone through the small window, I whispered to myself the one word engraved on the inside of the ring.




P.S. I FORGOT TO ADD THIS- I'm writing a new Sweeran story, so I need your help! I need you guys to tell me if I should start posting it now, or if I should wait until this one is done! PLS I NEED HELP DECIDING. that is all. Continue. XD



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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