Rudeness and Detention

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ENJOY! I know I kNOW IM TERRIBLE AT UPDATING DONT KILL ME AHHH. but yes enjoy I shall try to make this a really good chapter. (;



Taylor's POV

I walk into homeroom, glancing nervously at Ed and I's tangled hands every once in a while as if to make sure they were still linked.

"I knew she was a slut. He's probably just another one she's gonna use. I heard he was the third was this week."

I squeezed my eyes shut tight, trying to block them out.

You're happy with Ed, don't let them ruin it, I told myself once more.

I sit down at a desk, making sure an unoccupied desk sat adjacent to it. He sat as well, our hands never breaking contact. The bell rang. I sighed with relief.

"Class, today we are going to be writing a summary on the article we read yesterday." Mr. Smith said, while eyeing our hands suspiciously. I released my grip reluctantly.

About halfway through the class, as my hand was cramping from writing our summaries, a felt something hit my arm. I looked around, hearing faint giggles. I noticed a piece of paper lying on the ground next to me, so I bent over quietly and retrieved it. I slowly unfolded the paper.

"you whore" It read.

I blinked back tears as I stuffed the paper in my pocket. I knew it. I knew this was stupid. I couldn't be happy. They had to ruin it. God, I'm so stupid. This is going to hurt him more than it hurts me. Not psychically, but his reputation. He'll be forever marked as "the boy who went out with that stupid whore." Idiot me.

I shielded my face as I tried to calm down. I couldn't cry here, I'd seem even more weak. Ed looked over at me, staring with a worried expression.

"You okay?" He mouthed. I gave him a thumbs up and forced a smile. He gave me a disbelieving face.

"We'll talk later." He mouthed this time. I gave him an annoyed look but sighed in defeat. He wouldn't let me get away with this. I kinda loved him and hated him at the same time for that.

You're probably wondering. We both have started everything way too fast. Well, here, I'll explain it. When you look into someone's eyes, someone new, or maybe not, and you see into them, truly see into them, you can tell. When I saw Ed, that's when I knew. I stared into his sparkling blue eyes and I saw something that no other boy I've seen has had. I saw love. Care. Willingness. And you know, when you look into a person's eyes, they're the one you'll love. It's almost enchanting.

Wow, I sound so much like a hopeless romantic but I kinda am, so...-

"Miss Swift, would you please tell me why you've been staring at the American flag for the past five minutes?" Mr. Smith broke me out of my trance. Shit.

"Ummm.." My face went red, a trait that I hated about myself.

"Maybe you can finish your summary in detention." He said wryly. I winced.

As I was about to whisper a quiet "okay" I heard the scraping sound of a chair sliding out.

"Excuse my language sir, but that's bullshit. All she did was look at the flag and you give her DETENTION?! If that's the case, you might as well give me detention for 'dropping my pencil' because that's about the same offense."

That little ball of ginger AWESOMENESS.

"Mr. Sheeran, perhaps you are correct," Mr. Smith started. Ed gave a hopeful glance my way. "You both will be in the detention room this Saturday from 7-12 o'clock. And I would suggest you don't say anything else unless you want to be here the week after." Ed pouted and sat down, slumping in his chair. People laughed at us.

I know I just got a detention and laughed at, but I was happy. Ed just gave up his clean record to try to protect me. What else would he do for me? Just being with me is enough for me to be happy.

I love you, Ed Sheeran. So, so much.

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