Consequences and Starting Over

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head on the shoulder of someone, and my body stiff from being on the hard ground. I rose my head, stretching quietly. My eyes stared right at red hair and I jumped back by reflex. He's back for more. My breathing picked up and my eyes flooded with tears as I crawled away from the ginger on the floor. It took me a second but then I remembered what I had told him and I started to relax.

I had told him that I wasn't mad. I wasn't. I was broken. But once I saw him break down when he realized what he did to me.. I saw the absolute horror in his eyes when he thought of ever doing something like that. He was so regretful and so sorry. And hating him wouldn't solve anything. So, I forgave him. But it doesn't change my head's thoughts. My head acts instinctively before my heart, so when I see him, or when he walks towards me, I cower. And of course I don't mean to. Because I know that whenever I do it will break something inside of him. But I can't do anything about it, and I hate that.

I had to comfort him. He deserved to be comforted. He has been through all my shit ever since we've become friends and since we've been dating, and he's been so forgiving of everything. And if I couldn't repay him this, then I would have been the worst person known to man.

Even though I was over the edge, that didn't mean I had to pull him with me.

I crawled back over to the sleeping boy in front of me and tried to get comfortable, pushing my natural alarms aside and enjoying the sense of comfort my heart was feeling.

Ed's P.O.V.

I felt her move away, faintly, as I was still half asleep. I forced my eyes closed again and feel asleep once more. Soon after, I felt her wrap her arms back around me, and this time, I fell asleep again with no protest.

A short while later, I felt her twitch against me. My eyes fluttered open and I strained my ears, hearing small whimpers and pleas.

"No. Please. Stay away from me! I-I'll do whatever you want.." She was almost completely sobbing at this point. I turned my body slowly to face her and laid helplessly, watching. I was told it's never a good idea to wake someone from a nightmare, since they could become harmful to themselves or others around them.

"Ed please!" She gasped, and I felt the wind being knocked out of me. She was having a nightmare, all right. A nightmare about me.

I caused this and there was no way out. She would always remember that, no matter what I did to make up for it.

I thought about leaving. About getting away from this, so I didn't cause her pain. But then I realized that leaving would just make it worse, for both of us. We both love each other. I can tell she still loves me, because she comforted me and forgave me. (Even though I still have no idea why.)

She was still whimpering. I couldn't stand this anymore. I shuffled to the space behind her and tapped her shoulder lightly.

"Tay." I whispered. She flinched but didn't wake. I shook her, but not hard.

"Tay." I said, louder this time. She rolled over with her face staring at mine, and her eyes fluttered. She opened them wider and looked into my eyes. She screamed, startled.

It took everything in me not to cry right then. Sure, she might have just been scared that the first thing she saw was my face in hers, but I knew in my heart it was just because it was me.

Taylor collected herself and realized what she'd done. She gave me the saddest look I've ever seen anyone give and I just nodded. I understood. I put on a fake smile and looked at her.

"Breakfast?" I asked, and her face lit up. She's been getting better about eating breakfast at least, since it was her favorite meal of the day. I got up and slowly, with warning, wrapped my arms around her and led her over to the couch, instructing her to sit down while I made pancakes.

"Ed, I can help. My arm's broken, not cut off." I felt a twinge of guilt at the mention of her arm but instead I just smiled.

"But I WANT to do this for you. So you sit and watch TV and I'll make some chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes. Okay?"

"Okay." She giggled.


We sat by the television, eating the slightly burned but edible pancakes, occasionally laughing at the Friends marathon that was playing. Suddenly, Taylor reached over and turned the volume down to almost mute.

"Ed? I want to ask you something."

"Yes, Tay?"

"So, I wanted to ask you.. Do you think... That we could maybe.. Start over? Not like those cliché stories where they're all like 'sure ill just ask you out for the first time again and everything will be all magical!!' but I mean just these past few days. Act like they never happened. And I know the whole flinching and freaking out thing and the cast is just something we can't fix, at least right now. I don't mean to do that, I really don't. It's something that just happens. I'm not scared of you, but my mind reacts first when something sudden happens. Wow, I must sound crazy right n-"

"Tay." I cut her off. "I know exactly what you mean, it makes sense, and I think it's a great idea." I smiled.



She scooted closer to me, hugging me tightly, and rested her head on my shoulder.

It was the start of a new beginning. Not an entirely new beginning, but a fresh start after my mistakes. And it felt pretty damn good to have a portion of the burden lifted off my chest.



sorry about this poorly written chapter.. IDK there wasn't much to really describe in detail.


I love you guys! And let me just say-- when I get a vote, comment, read, or when this story gets added to a reading list..


so thank you for being awesome!

You are all cute lil cupcakes and if you're a guy you're a cute lil muffin bc muffins are more manly and you are all sososo loved and magical so always remember that you're freakin amazing and don't let anyone tell you different !!!




Also I'm going back and I wrote this a week ago and forgot about it xD SORRY! Thought I published it!


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