Deciding and Preparing

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Taylor's P.O.V.

As I lay in a hospital bed awaiting news of my fresh injuries, Ed held my hand, gently stroking the back of it with his thumb. We were silent, but that's how I wanted it. I didn't want the super clingy, dramatic sympathy from anyone, especially him, and I think he knew that. But, I had one question for him, one I'd been meaning to ask as soon as I saw it.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "What happened to your eye?" His head shot up, startled by my sudden talking. He began to look nervous and reluctant to say anything. I sighed, disappointed that he wouldn't tell me. I couldn't really take disappointment right now.

He looked guilty, then sad, and then he gave up. He mumbled something so soft I didn't hear. "Wait what?"
I asked, hoping for a better explanation. He mumbled again, "Ihhurhm."


"I hit him." He sighed, looking extremely guilty. I was speechless. Ed NEVER did things like that. He NEVER hurt anyone on purpose. And yeah, yeah, I know, he did to me, but that wasn't ED. But while he looked like I was disappointed in him, I wasn't. It wasn't unreasonable. I mean, come on.

"I mean he just did...That to you," he motioned to my battered body, moving his hand off of mine, sadly, "and then he just ran off, like a fucking coward. So after I saw you, and he ran, I had to catch up to him. I couldn't just let him go like that. So I caught up to him in the parking lot and grabbed his shoulder, turned him around, and punched him. And then he hit me in the face," he motioned to his eye, "and then we just kept hitting each other, and then he just ran, too fast for me to catch up to him. And yeah." He looked down at his shoes, biting his lip. I smiled.

"Ed." I said quietly, placing my hand back into his, and he looked up. I saw his eyes were glazed over with tears, and I reversed the role, stroking his hand with my thumb.

"Thank you." Ed's mouth fell open in shock, and I held back a giggle.


"He deserved it. And you got hurt for me. Thank you for caring."

"You got hurt for me, too."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me something before he ran."


"Well, it was a terrible, twisted way he said it, but it was along the lines of, 'She told me not to mess with you, and to mess with her instead,'" he was silent for a minute, "Thank you. Thank YOU for caring so much about me that you went through this much to protect me." I nodded, tearing up.


"Ms. Swift?" A voice came from the door, the doctor appeared. "Let's get started."

I nodded, biting my lip. "Yeah," I said. "Let's."


Ed was annoyed with me because I didn't want to turn in Evan.

"I know what he did to me was terrible and twisted and horrifying, but nobody deserves to live that way of life. He needs to learn his lesson, yes, but he'll die in there Ed. I don't want him to die in prison."

"With any luck, he will." His hand flew over his mouth. "Oh my god, I didn't mean that..."

I hugged him while he had a look of shock on his face because of what he said. Ed hated wishing death on anyone. He felt like if he did, and anything ever happened to them, he would blame himself. And he's had enough loss to know that death of others, SUCKS.

"It's okay, Ed. I know you didn't." He smiled at me. "But I really can't turn him in." He frowned now, but sighed.

"I guess I get what you mean... But if I EVER see him come within 50 yards of you..."

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