Chapter 18

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'I'm just gonna let this out...'


You put your headphones on and play a song. You didn't play it you just listen to it. It finished and you replayed it and started to play the drums.

'Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together' 'I need the other to hold you make you feel, make you feel better' 'It's not a walk in the park to love each other'


You didn't know but Satori didn't go to practice he just hid until you went to the stage and snuck back in and watched you sing and play drums.

'Cause after all this time I'm still into you' 'I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you'

Satori turned red and covered half his face with his hand. He started to spiral into his thoughts again. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He got scared and almost fell out of the seat.

'Calm down it's just me, Ryu' He sat down next to Satori.

'Oh hey, Ryu, I thought you come more later'

'I don't, I show up around this time and watch Y/n sing' He said crossing his arms, looking down;


'I sneak back to the front door when she goes backstage every time'

'Recount the night that I first met your mother and on the drive back to my house'

--Enjoy until the end of the song--

Ryu and Satori were just talking about random things and then you finished and went backstage.

'Look she goes backstage every time after she's done singing, bye'

'Uh yea bye' Satori just stays there and is just engulfed by his thoughts again.

'Ryu and like Wakatoshi-kun but less stoic and little more talkative...' Satori slouched back into the chair and crosses his arms and looked at the ceiling.

Ryu tells you that Satori is in the audience and what row he is in. Your eyes locked on him. You ran up the steps to Satori you were going to yell at him and everything. You looked at him and saw he was zoned out. You flick him on the head and he came back to it.

'Ow, oh uhm hey Y/n' He got in a position that was like "if you try to attack me I can run".

'How long have you been here?'

'Since you were singing...'

You stare at him and get flustered. 'I'm...Going...To...KILL YOU' 

Satori started to run to the steps and ran down them. You chased him all around the auditorium and Satori ran up to the stage and Ryu put his arm and stopped you.

'Hey Ryu come on!' 

Satori walked up to you and started to pout. 'Aww don't be so aggressive, I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice~' 

'I will kill you at one point' You put out your hand in a strangling maneuver.

'Please don't--' Satori was cut off by a voice.

'Hey Y/n! Where are you?!'

'Not her, not now, why today?' You groaned. A girl with a very confident walk and a strut made her way on stage.

'Oh~ Who's the red-head? Hey wanna go out sometime?' She asked biting her lip.

'Akari get the hell out of here' You said with a tone of annoyance.

'Nah, I'm apart of the Band club too I can be here, plus I'm a better singer'

'Actually from this day forward your officially kicked out of the Band club' Ryu said grabbing a paper from his bookbag. 

'What?!' She yelled.

'If you are unable to attend your second week you will be dismissed. Further more if you miss more then 10 day you are removed from the club entirely' He said reading from the paper.

'No, no, no I went to the second week of the band that should be enough!' She shouted.

'Aww but sweetie no, no, no, You need to come more after that but I know your to busy with your pedicures and hitting on boys--' You said mocking her walk and her voice as you walk over to her, you place your arm around her neck. '--Also, if you go crying to someone like Ms. Hasegawa, she wouldn't care, she thought you were a bitch too' You get real close to her ear and whisper something she can hear 'And don't hit on Satori...' You let go of her and she runs off fake-crying.

'Yes she's finally gone' You said while waving your hands in the air(like Bokuto)

'Yep, now just to get Hiro here' Ryu put the paper back in his bookbag.

'Oh she said--' You were cut off by Satori hugging you out of nowhere.(It's the photo up top)

You tried to push him off you but didn't let go. You stopped trying and just kept talking. 'She said that she was coming tomorrow'

'Okay, well club time is about to be over and since Hiro is coming tomorrow we can practice some things'

'Okay' You tried to get Satori off you again and you still couldn't. You let out a sigh and the moment you walked out the auditorium Satori went form hugging you to having a arm rapped around your neck. You knew that you wouldn't be able to get Satori off you. You were walking pass the Boys' Volleyball gym and you didn't notice.

'Satori can you just let go of me ' You whined trying to push him away.

'Mmmmmm, no'

'God' You sighed.

The team was finished cleaning up and was heading out. You heard footsteps and looked back and saw his team. At this point you didn't care and was just slouching over as you walked. The team walked up to you and Satori. 

'Hey there Tendou'

'Hi SemiSemi'


'Yep, that what I call him, SemiSemi'

You grabbed your headphones and put them on not wanting to listen to their conversation. You didn't know but Satori was holding your hand. 


You made it to your block and you took off your headphones. 'Yay we're here' 


You looked down and saw him holding your hand. You quickly let go of his hand, and crossed your arm. Satori looked at you with confusing look on his face.

You let out a sigh. 'Really, holding my hand now'

'What? You didn't say anything' He said chuckling.

'Whatever, bye' You waved.

'Wait uhm actually can I stay over, my mom and dad won't be home until tomorrow'

'Uh yea sure you can stay over, but won't you like being home alone?'

'I would but, I don't like being home alone when I know your across the street'

'Yea, okay...My mom's not home yet' You open the door and put down your bag.

'Okay!' He jumped on the couch. He started to stretch out and get comfortable on the couch.

You walk over and sat down on one side of the couch and turned on the TV. 'Better not fall asleep on the couch'

'I won't' He said but eventually he fell asleep.

'God Satori' You got up and went to grab a blanket from your room. You came back downstairs and laid it on him. You decided to watch a movie while Satori was sleeping.

You grabbed some snacks and another blanket and watched a movie. You fell asleep after watching the movie. Satori had woken up and was confused but saw you and flipped himself. He put his head on your lap and fell back to sleep.

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