Chapter 39

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A/n: Don't know what song to put, so Electric love by BØRNS. God bless ppl who draw fan art, they're awesome. I'ma get a frickin nosebleed also it's gonna be a few chapters till the wedding.

'God, really, when did I the responsible one'

'When we all got drunk you became the responsible one' Aiko said.

'That was rhetorical'


'Okay everyone inside the car' You put Satori in the seat behind yours, Ryu at infront, Aiko in the middle, and Hiro on Aito's lap. You drove the twins home first, then Hiro, then Ryu. You got off, knocked on Ryu's door, and his mother answered.

'H-hi, uhm Y/n, why are you here?'

'Someone put booze in the punch and I didn't want this one here to drive while drunk'

'Dear, who many did you drink?'

'4 cups'

'Ms. Takahashi, can you drive me and one other person home?'

'Of course, Ryuji sit down and get something to drink that's no alcohol'


You followed Ms. Takahashi to the car and sat in the back with Satori. She started the car drove off.

'Y/n~ Who's the lady?'

'Ryu's mother'

'Oh, Hi Ryu's mom'

'Hello, Y/n how much did this boy drink'

'He drank 12 cups, and he's gonna have a very "good" hangover'

'I see, where does he live?'

'Across the street from me, he can just stay with me at my house'

'Yay~! I get to stay at my beautiful girlfriends house~'

'You two are dating? I see well just make sure he gets proper rest'

'Yes ma'am'

She drove you home and you helped Satori out of the car. Ms. Takahashi rolled down her window and yelled.

'Don't do anything inappropriate!'

You sighed and looked at her. 'Look lady I know you think I'm a whore, delinquent, or whatever you call me but I wouldn't do something like that'

'No no I wasn't imply-'

'Oh you definitely implied it, do me a favor, tell Ryu you called me whore, see what happens'

You opened door and walked inside. You walked him to the couch and he tripped on his own two feet. He fell to the ground, face first. He grabbed his nose and rubbed it, then he saw blood on his hand.

'I'm dying!'

'You're not dying, you fell'

He looked at you with an expression like "U.U". 'Yes, yes I am dying, look I'm bleeding'

He showed you his hand and looked back at his face. His nose was bleeding.

'God, okay get up'

'Okay help' He said and out his arms out like a baby.

You smiled to yourself at his action and helped him up. He laughed and pulled you down. He laughed and you just blushed. You finally managed to get him up and walked to the couch. You put Satori down and went to grab some paper towels. You came back and saw that the bleeding had stopped. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sat down next to Satori.

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