Chapter 34

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'God... Yea what is it Hiro?'

'We gotta go remember, you promised me we'd all go shopping when you got back!'

'Hiro you're way to excited what time did you wake up?'

'Uhmmm about 6 am'

'I can barely wake up for a school day and your over already awake'

'C'mon let goooo! Aiko and me are--'

'Are already outside?'

'Yea, how'd you know?'

'I can see you threw my window... Whatever just give me a minute or two and I'll be down'


You hung up and changed into something casual a pair of loosely fitting jean, big oversized shirt, high tops, and a sweater. You ran out the door and saw Aiko in the driver seat of the car and Hiro in shotgun.

'Hop in loser we're going shopping!' Aiko yelled.

'Very funny!' You walked towards the car and sat in the back.

'Yay! Now to the mall!' Hiro said throwing her hand up in the air.

Aiko puled out and drove to the mall. You guys got there and from then on out Hiro led the way. She took you to 4 stores in total but you guys all go your dresses from the same place.

 'Yay! Oooh this is a pretty dress!' Hiro said holding up a dress.

'Eeh, just hurry up so we can leave' You said.

'Aren't you gonna pick a dress?' Aito said.

'I don't think I really want to the prom' You shrugged.

'No! You're gonna go! I'm gonna pick a dress for you!' Hiro said dragging you and holding up dress to to see if they looked nice on you.

Aiko was laughing as Hiro picked out a dress for you.

'Oooh! How about this one!'

'I mean...It's nice'

'Okay! Try it on!' She shoved you into the changing room.

'Okay...' You sighed and took of your clothes and out on the dress. You looked at the dress in the mirror. 'I hate dresses, but this one is okay, I guess'

'Y/n? Are you done, show us the dress!'

'Okay' You came out Hiro and Aiko gasped at how nice it looked in it.

'You look beautiful in it!'

'I don't know...'

'Here!' Aiko said giving you a blazer that went well with the dress.

'I mean I'm more comfortable with--'

'Okay change back!' Hiro said shoving you back into the changing room.

'Okay fine, AND STOP SHOVING ME!' You said as you closed the door.

You changed back into your clothes and Hiro grabbed the dress and blazer, and bought it with hers and Aiko's.

'U-uh Hiro you didn't have to buy it for me'

'Don't worry my parents have enough money to buy all this stuff'

'Oh yea, your parents are basically rich, but my prom isn't until next week' Aiko said.

'No they're not' Hiro smiled innocently.

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