Chapter 4

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Tendou POV


I heard from under the blanket, then it was taken of my head Y/n was looking at me worried and I thought it was cute how much she cared even if she is always trying to pick a fight.

'Are you okay, you passed out after you heard me play' I wasn't able to tell her what I was thinking because I don't know how she'll reacts to my thoughts. So instead I told her...

'Oh why of course I'm okay" I put my arm around her shoulder and continue '-your music was just so good I passed out in awe'

'yeah right now get your arm off me' I take my arm of her 'god your cute, like way way way too cute'

3rd person POV

'So how long have you been like this and other students pick on you?' Satori asked 

'Me let's see... well since elementary school actually people always thought I was weird or a "FREAK" as they call me' you looking down at your fingers.

'Hey do you always wrap your finger Y/n-chan?' he asked while looking at my fingers. 

'Well, sometimes- I mean all the time because I'm  punching something or hurting myself on accident with the snares and blisters'

---Time Skip---

'HEY  Y/N IM HOME, WHERE ARE YOU?' Your mother screamed and you heard her all the way from the garage

'yea so--- DAMN IT my moms home, she's never home this early, why is she here?' You said with a pissed expression, not wanting her to be here.

'Sooo~ do I leave or do I stay here' He said while furrowing his brow, and tilting his head.

'No um you have to leave because-' you said while you were standing up but you were cut short of your sentence ,  because your mother walked in and saw Satori right away. 

'Hey what did---- wait a minute, Is this your boyfriend because you never let anyone here that's not close to you' she said while getting excited at the thought of her daughter having a boyfriend.

You were both a flushed red, Satori looked at you but you avoided eye-contact 'W-what no Satori is just my friend from school o-okay mom?' Your mother's facial expression changed to a more determined face. 

She looked over to Satori 'Please stay for dinner I'll even drive you home, if you want that is' 

'Hm oh, n-no I'm good I live right across the street, b-but I would love to stay for dinner' He said trying to keep his cool, but you could tell he is nervous. 

'Now lets go inside, Y/n Go wash up for dinner.' She said as all of you were walking out of the garage.

You guys all head inside and you go to the bathroom to wash up. Satori asked if he could help your mom in any way...

--Tendou POV--

'U-um is there anything I can h-help you with Ms. L/n' I said this while playing with my fingers so I wouldn't fly out of my seat. I'm just super nervous, like come on it's Y/n-chan's mom...'WHAT IF I MAKE THE WRONG IMPRESSION ON HER, WHAT IF SHE THINKS I WANT Y/N IN A SEXUAL WAY'  My thought were interrupted by Ms. L/n saying...

'Um yes you can set the table, by the way what do you think of my daughter, you two seem pretty close?' I could tell she was looking at me, I felt the hair on my neck stand up, but without thinking I said...

'Y-your daughter, W-well she's is the most beautiful, wonderful person I've ever met, she's one  of the few people to hang out with me outside of my sports team(not counting Wakatoshi-Kun of course), and she can be a little angry but she's awesome' Once I realized what I had said, I had became as red as my hair, the good thing was my hair was down so it just blended in with it. But it still kept setting the table

'Really you think all of that about my daughter?'  I turned to see her and she had a shocked yet overly joyed face because of my answer 

She asked me another question 'So do you like the way my daughter dresses or would you like her to wear something not like her style?!' She said it so fast I barely caught  what she had said but I knew what she was trying to say.

'I really like the way she dress-' I was cut off by Y/n-chan's voice saying... 

'Hey, sorry it took me a while' She said as she was walking down the stairs. I was flushed red just  like before and I looked at her then looked down immediately.

'Satori are you okay?' she walked over to me and whispered 'Did my mom say something to scare ya or something?' she said as she pulled me by my shirt collar to whisper it to me I turned a little bit more red when she frickin' did that 'God, Cupid, whoever did this pls I'm gonna die if anything else happens to day' 

---Time Skip--- 

3rd person POV

You all had a great time eating and talking, but every now and then your mom would say something romantic and sappy.

'Bye have a great night Satori~' You said as Satori was walking out of your house it gave him the chills 'please say that again, just like that please' He thought to himself while waving goodbye and goodnight.

You lock the door and start to walk up to the table to clean it, you grab your headphones and you put "Stressed out " (the song above) and start to clean the table while mumbling the lyrics. Your mom came over and snatched your headphones right from your head...

'OW--- what was that for mom?' you said rubbing one of your ears.

'Really, that boy and you are just friends?' She said desperate for you to that you were actually dating

' No me and Satori are just friends with similar interests, now can I please have my headphones back' Putting out your hand, she plopped them down like she was upset with your answer.

'It's getting late go to sleep Y/n you have school, I'll put clean and put the plates away' You nodded and went upstairs to your room changing into some pjs and plopping down on your bed, but you couldn't sleep, You close your eyes...



'Satori are you okay?'

'Did my mom say something to scare ya or something?' 

End Of Little Flashback

'Did mom say something to Satori because he looked like he had a fever.. wait earlier he used my l-lap as a pillow a-and he had his hair d-down too' I thought to myself and it made me red stuffing my face into a pillow 'Tomorrow lunch with Satori a-and his team great I hope they don't hate me or are too loud' I fell asleep thinking of Satori.

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