Bed Rest and Butterflies

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-Keeper of the Lost Cities-
Word Count: 1140

Fitz's door was closed, so Y/N knocked first.

"I told you, Mr. Snuggles' visiting hours are over." He responded in mock tone, but his voice held a hint of frustration.

"What about your visiting hours?" She answered, lightly pushing the door open. Fitz was sitting up against the headboard of his bed, his stuffed sparkly dragon resting peacefully on his lap.

"Sorry," he said as soon as she came into the room. "I thought you were Keefe."

"I get that a lot."

"YOU MUST BE VERY LUCKY," Keefe shouted from the next room.

Fitz sighed, looking at the stuffed dragon on his lap. "I guess the secret's out, then."

"It was only a matter of time before he found out," Y/N  answered, giving him a small smile.

"One would think, though, that considering I almost died, he'd cut me some slack." Fitz smiled back- a pure, genuine smile that caused butterflies in her stomach.


Y/N  rolled her eyes as the tiniest of smiles crept its way onto her face. She shut the door, then sat by Fitz's side on the edge of the bed. "At least he's back to normal."

"Yeah," Fitz said, dropping his eyes to his lap. "I, uh, I'm glad you came. There's something I kinda need to tell you."

Panic swelled in her chest. "It's not about the Black Swan, is it? Or the Neverseen?"

"No, no. Nothing like that, don't worry." He was quick to answer, although his eyes still would not leave Mr. Snuggles.

He took a deep breath. "When I, uh, had my little brush with... with death, there was one thing on my mind. Well, there were lots of things on my mind, like, not dying, but one thing stood out the most. The whole time I've been on this bed, the only thing I could think about is if I had died, I would've never gotten the chance to do it. And I can't risk that. Not anymore. Any moment could be my last-"

"You're not going to die, Fitz," Y/N  said with the most confidence she could muster, unsure where he was going with this.

"I know. I'm not planning on dying, Y/N," Fitz added after she gave him a strongly concerned look. "But there's always the chance that I might, just like everybody else. And there's something I couldn't live with myself if I didn't get to do."

Y/N didn't answer, waiting for him to explain further. When he stayed silent, she opened her mouth to ask what but wasn't able to finish the word before he leaned over and connected their lips.

The butterflies in her stomach went wild.

For a moment she just stood there, in shock. For only a brief moment, as seconds later her eyes were closed and she was kissing back.

She reached up, combing her hands through his hair as she melted into the kiss. His lips were soft, but chapped, probably from being unconscious and taking all of those elixirs. His breath was warm down her neck, and she had to will her knees to not give in and crumple to the floor.

Everything else faded away- All her worries, the plage, Neverseen, the Council, Exillium, Kenric's cache, Keefe's mom, Keefe- everything faded into nothing as if the only thing that existed at that moment was them.

The butterflies slowly flew away, leaving Y/N feeling only one thing- Fitz.

Everything, from his hair to his breath to his heart.

His heart- she could hear it beating as they kissed- or perhaps that was hers.

It felt like forever when they finally pulled away- but at the same time, too soon. Fitz opened those teal blue eyes that always made her heart do a flip- but not today.

Today, her heart was as steady as it'll ever be. 

They sat there, in silence, as the minutes ticked by. Y/N bit her lip- could it be possible that he didn't like her?

No, she told herself. He kissed me first.

Fitz spoke first. "So."


Silence again. And she couldn't stand it.

"How long have you been wanting to do that for?" She blurted out the question on her mind, instantly regretting it as Fitz's face turned red.

He looked down at his hands. "... A while now, I guess."

Y/N sucked in a breath, but she couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. "So you mean to tell me all this time I've been crushing on you, you've been secretly wanting to kiss me?"

His head snapped up and his eyes shone a little brighter this time. A teeny-tiny smile played on his lips. "You've been crushing on me?"

"Yes, because it was totally not obvious when I kissed you." She rolled her eyes, but the smile stayed. The words felt weird- new. She still couldn't get over the fact that she and Fitz had kissed.

"Technically, I kissed you," Fitz answered, this time keeping eye contact.

"I guess so." She replied, her eyes not leaving his, either. They sat there, trying to process what had just happened, but before either of them could start speaking, Keefe burst into the room.

"Dude, what's going on here?" He asked skeptically, his eyes scanning over Y/N and Fitz. "L/N's emotions are off the charts."

When no one gave him an answer, he reached down and touched Fitz's leg before anyone could stop him. Keefe's eyes widened, then he broke into a confused smirk. "Woah, dude. So are yours."

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Fitz turn bright red. Not that she was any better- her face was probably just as red as his. Luckily, they were spared an answer when Dex poked his head through the door announcing that it was time to eat. 

Y/N ate with everybody else, then went to bed, like everybody else, but unlike everybody else, she went to bed with the thought of Fitz in her mind. She didn't know what they were, or what they should be. We're they dating? Did he want that? Did she want that? Y/N didn't know.

The one thing she did know was that she kissed Fitz Vacker. And for now, just for now... that was enough.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked the next day, concerned for her friend. "You've been quiet the whole afternoon."

Y/N locked eyes with Fitz across the room. He was sitting on a chair, reading a book. He smiled a small smile that was barely a smile, but too genuine to be a smirk. His teal eyes were trained on hers, and she could understand exactly what he meant, even though no words were spoken.

Y/N took a deep breath, breaking into a teeny tiny smile. "I'm great, actually."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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