Chapter 2

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Somewhere in the distance there were sirens. Maybe of an ambulance, maybe they were coming to get to Louis, to safe him. He didn't know, he knew nothing. Around him people were chatting, they were scared, you could hear it in their shaking voices. People were talking, way too loudly making Louis head hurt. Why did his head hurt, he thought. Slowly Louis regained the feeling in his limbs, he tried moving, but a sharp pain shot through his whole body. He gasped and slumped back in the seat. He tried opening his eyes, trying to see what was going on. Was this all just a dream? His eyes opened for a second and all he saw was lights, they must be coming from the same cars as the sirens did, he thought. He closed his eyes again, it was too hard to keep them open. All he wanted to do was sleep. Everything hurt and all the noises weren't helping.

The first responders came up to Louis' car, asking him if he can hear them, if he can tell them his name. At that time Louis had already lost consciousness.

The scene around him was devestating. The side of Louis car was completely smashed in. The door was bent inwards, trapping Louis inside. There was fume coming from the hood of the car, making the first responders work as fast as they can. Louis needed to get out of the car, but he couldn't move, didn't even know what was happening at this point.

As soon as they managed to remove the door, one of the first responders cut through the seatbelt. Louis had an obvious wound on his head, probably from hitting it on the steering wheel. Somehow a piece of metal stabbed through his left side.

"Get the saw back here!" the person yelled. One of his colleagues came back with it, asking what the situation is.

"Part of the metal from the carside penetrated his lower abdomen. We need to cut it off and keep it in, otherwise we might loose him." He did as he said and made quick work of freeing Louis from the car. They placed him on a gourney, assessing his injuries and putting him in the ambulance.

On the way to the hospital Louis fluttered his eyes opened, but only for mere seconds, then he closed them again.

"He is going into cardiac arrestt. Start CPR." One of the EMT's started CPR immediately, while the other got the defibrillator.

He put the pedals on Louis.

"Clear." Everyone moved out of the way as the defibrillator sent an electric shot through his body, restoring Louis regular heartbeat.

"We are not done here yet. This won't be the last time this happens." One of the man said.

"Optimistic today aren't we, Ty?" one guy asked.

"No, just not the first time seeing this." Ty said with a sad look in his eyes. And right after, it happened again.

After two more successfull revivals they arrived at the hospital. Louis was rushed in through the emergency room, doctors waiting for his arrival. He was instantly sent to an OR, surgery need to be done fast. It was all about controlling the damage that has been done, saving essentials first and doing the fine prints later. Hours after hours Louis was in the OR, without anyone knowing what was going on.


It was 2.55pm and Niall and Liam were waiting in the office for the other two boys to show up. Louis was usually late, neither of them were surprised that he wasn't here yet seeing it wasn't even three o'clock yet. Harry on the other hand liked to be at meetings early. It wasn't like him to show up last minute.

"You think he will show up?" Niall asked worridly.

"Who exactly? Harry or Louis?" Liam replied.

They were sitting at the table in the conference room. They both arrived at 2.45 and seeing they never lost contact, there was no need to catch up. Liam and Niall were worried about the situation. Harry and Louis haven't been in the same room in years. Louis was a mess everytime someone mentioned Harry, doesn't even have to be Harry Styles, just the first name seemed to trigger Louis somehow.

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