Friends? Go! Leginary? Go! 2

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I was sitting on professor Oak's car. 

"So Ash, Y/n do you guys still want to be Pokemon masters?" 

"Todaly!" Ash yells.

"Ya . . . Sure." I say as I look to the left.

". . . Y/n are you feeling ok?!" Ash's mom asks me.

"Your not car sick are you?" Professor Oak asks me.

"Huh . . . Oh no It's just this is where. . . , " I puse for a bit I didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

"You still miss her don't you." Ash said looking over to me. I give him a nod and I feel hot water running down my face. No no no no am I crying?! Ash's mom turns around to look at me. NOO continue talking to professor Oak or something I thought. 

"Oh. . ." Ash's mom says surprised. She took a moment to think of what to say. "I'm sorry I didn't know this . . . was the place." She finally said after a minute of silence.

"Pika." My Pikachu said looking at me. I wanted to hide run away or something. I hate it when people see me cry. It makes me feel weak. I don't usually cry around people . . . But that doesn't mean I don't cry often. I just do it when I don't think anyone is looking. I hide me face on my pikachus soft fur. After a while I finally calmed down.

"Sorry," I said in a soft voice.

"For what?!" Everyone asked me. ( Even the Pikachus looked worried)

"For being so stupid and  . . . Crying." I said.

"Hey don't ever say you're stupid ever again! And it's ok to cry from time to time it's better then keeping it in.  I'm always here if you want to talk to someone." Ash said giving me a hug. He knows that I like it when he hugs me.

"Thanks Ash." I say hugging him back.

"Aww you two are just the cutest!" Ash's mom said. Oh . . . I FORGOT THEY WERE HERE THIS WHOLE TIME!!! After that embarrassing moment of non stop blushing Ash and I started talking about Pokemon. Pikachu was sleeping with my pikachu.

"And then I was like Pikachu use thunderbolt!!" Ash said putting his hand up. Pikachu woke up when Ash said that and used thunderbolt emideately.


"PIKACHU!!" Ash yelled.

"Pika," Pikachu said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're such a good pikachu." I said winking to him and giving him a thumbs up.

"PIKA?!?" My pikachu said getting jealous.

"You jelly." I said giving pikachu a smirk.

"Pika . . . Chu." She said sticking out her tongue and cuddling with Ash. She knows how much I get jealous when someone is close to Ash.  

"Looks like this is my Pikachu now." Ash said giving me a smirk.

"Ugh . . . WELL THIS IS MINE TAKE THAT." I said hugging his Pikachu. I know how my pikachu has a crush on Ash's. We fought all the car ride and finally got to our destination. 

"WOW ASH LOOK AT THAT SUPER CUTE POKEMON!!!" I said pointing at a dog like pokemon infront of me.

"Awn its soo cute!" He said getting down to pet it.

"Come here," I said while kneeling down.

"Ruff!" He said acting all tuff.

"Aww that bark was so cute!" Me and Ash said at the same time.

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