The Confession ~Chapter 1~

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~Vanoss Pov~

I was just waking up when I noticed I had a text from Jonathan, or Delirious. Delirious and I have been best friends almost forever and to this day we are great friends, more like brothers. I groaned in pain from sleeping so long, then picked up the phone. I read his text and replied back. 'Yea I will record today I guess.' I got up, got a fresh pair of clothes and went to the shower.
( ok so while Evan is in the shower I'm going to switch to Jonathan's Pov. )
~Jonathan Pov.~
I texted Vanoss a bit ago and still waiting for a reply. See Vanoss and I are like brothers, but I kind of developed some major feeling for Evan. Yes I am Gay and only Cartoonz knows about. Luckily he's ok with it. 'Oh- I got a reply!' Yay! Um yea anyway. He said he's gonna record with me! Sorry emotions kicking in. I have been up for hours now and haven't had any FOOOOOOD! Delirious needs his food. So I will make me Bacon and a Cheeseburger!

Switch Pov
~Vanoss pov~
I finally got out of the shower, but it was amazing. See Delirious may be like a brother but I developed Major feelings for him lately, so I am going to try to tell him. It's going to suck but it's worth a go. I can't wait much longer. I got up after *checks time* 30 minutes of thinking of my Delirious, well soon to be. I walked over to my computer and get on skype. 'Let's see who's on at the moment.'

H20 Delirious
Daithe De Nogla

I invited them all to skype and they joined seconds later. Delirious was first. "Hey Vanoss!!!!" Delirious shouts. "Haha Hi Jonathan." I replied. Us five had a great time. We recorded a little bit and mostly hung out.

~Time skip to only Vanoss and Delirious~

"H-Hey Jonathan, I have something I've been wanted to ask you."
"Yes Vanoss?"
It was extremely hard to breath by now.
"W-Would you g-go out with m-m-me?" I managed to choke out.
Jonathan just sat there shocked, in a good way. I think.
"Vanoss. Why did you wait so long to tell me? Do you know how long I've wanted you to tell me those exact words? Of course I will!!!" Jonathan screamed with joy. "Jonathan... Pack your bags. I'm getting your ticket." I exclaimed. "Ok!" Man Jon is happy. To happy. I like it.
Ok so I am writing on iPod so It is harder for me to write, especially at 1:00 in the morning. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it sort of long for a starter. Anyway I'll talk to you people later! Out. - Epic

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