Meeting In Person ~Chapter 3~

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Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, or what ever you want to be called, I have the next chapter, right here on your screen. This should be out on the ninth of August, if not, IHML. In my Sorry Note from yesterday I was (Obviously) saying sorry about my 6 month absence. I'm still sorry. Here have a lollipop. *Gives all of you a lollipop* Anyway I will try to work on my paragraph lengths so the chapters are longer, because I can't figure out why I made them so short. ;-; It isn't fair to you guys. Anywayyy hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I would reading your guys content! ^_^ Oh yea... Um, I honestly just realized I made a mistake xD Should I have waited for the confession? Because apparently some retard (Me ;D; ) put it in the first chapter... Oops. Oh well! You guys don't care do you? o_o Um... Cya! -Alexis


~Jonathon (Delirious) Pov~

I had finally bored the plane a while ago, which was a pure pain just to get on the plane. I will admit though, the interior was really nice. The seats were very comfortable, with the very rare addition of enough leg room. I already knew I had a while to go, after all he lives in Canada, and I am boarding off from South Carolina. Man, I wish this flight wouldn't have to take so long. This trip would be at least a couple of hours. Planes are faster than cars. Most of the time, anyway. I don't think taking a car would help, you could get on a plane, wait a couple of hours and boom! Your there. Oh who am I kidding, I just want to see Evan, my teddy bear. ( ;w; Cute.)

I started thinking about Evan when someone nudged me in the arm. "Huh? W-What?" I stuttered, but why? "I'm sorry If I'm disturbing you, but I happened to notice that you are sobbing in you sleep. Is everything alright sir?" The woman next to me gave a sorrowful look, almost like, she had sympathy for me. 'Wait, I'm crying. Why?' Before I could say anything, the speakers came on. "Ok ladies and gentlemen! We will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. You have been flying with Banana airlines. Thank you for choosing us, have a good day everyone!" And the speakers went quiet (I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself... The Banana Bus song was stuck in my head. Cx ). I sat up properly after stretching, turning to look at the woman. " Hehe, sorry about that. I didn't realize I was crying. I believe I am fine." I gave a quick smile and apologized. She nodded and went back to what ever she was doing.

 I turn just a little bit to my right to have a peek at what she was doing. What? I don't have anything to do. ' Hmm... She has headphones in, and she is watching something on, YouTube?' Maybe if I turn a little more? My face just dropped from my tan color to a real dark red. It was one of those videos where people ship certain people. But those two people... I cracked a big smile. 'So she's one of them?'

 "Ok ladies and gents! The time has come for you to grab you belongings from your cubbies ( I don't know what they are called)! I grabbed my suitcase full of all of my important belongings, and started to get up to board off and into the airport. 'Geez! I sat for quite a while. My legs are killing me.' I limped for a second, finally coming out alive into the harsh sun beaming down on all of the passengers and I. I finally made my way towards the airport to check in.

 I would be here for 3 weeks, with Evan. 'Evan...I need you... Oh! my mask!' I fumbled through my suitcase for my mask. ' Ah, here you are.' I kissed my mask and held it close. I checked in and finally put my mask on, and made my way to the entrance of the airport finding a bench to sit down on and rest.

 ~Evan (Vanoss) Pov~

I was in a rush, but I made it. I had finished cleaning all of my dishes and laundry, then straightened up all of the rooms in the house. In the end, it looked like I just unpacked everything neatly, which I liked that feeling. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door to grab a bit to eat. 'I guess I could get Jonathon something... I'll get him a Bean Burrito, he really likes those.' I drove off to Taco Bell, and got the food. I still had at least ten minutes before he arrived, so I waited a little bit. 

~10 Minutes Later~

I pulled up into the airport looking around for Jonathon, but I couldn't spot him. I grabbed my phone and punched in his numbers and started to ring him up.

Jon- Hello?

Evan- Hey Delirious, where are you?

Jon- What? Oh, I'm sitting on a bench near the entrance.

Evan- Alright thanks. Give me a sec.

Jon- Ok. I'll end the call now.

Evan- See you in a few.

~Call Ended.~

I pulled up to the entrance and sure enough, there was a Jonathon there with his mask on. Well, If he didn't have a mask on, then I most likely wouldn't of known that was him. He looked up from his phone and sat there for a moment. He finally made a move, grabbing his stuff and hauling it over to my car. I opened the trunk and got out to help him put it the back of my car. 

"Evan!" I didn't even have to examine his face to check if he was smiling or not. He pulled me into a hug, which felt like forever, but I liked it. It was warm. He was wearing the original hockey mask, a sky-like blue t-shirt, black jeans, and red converse. "Hey Jonathon. You ready to go?" I gave him a warm and soothing smile. "Haha yea. I'm kind of hungry though." His smile transferred to a poker face. "That's fine. I got you some food." He smiled again. " Hell yes! What did you get?" He was examining me. "I got you a... BEAN BURRITO!" I shouted happily. People gave us looks, but we just laughed like idiots. We really didn't care.

We finally made it to my place, and the first thing I did was carry him in bridal style. His face was turning to a light pink as I picked him up. "Are you ready for adventures?!" I shouted. "YEA!" He looked so cute, not saying he was never cute in the first place though. He's mine, Forever. 


Ok, let me just say, I am proud of myself. o3o One, I made it longer than the other two. Two, I kind of like the way I wrote it out, maybe it could have been better? Anyway I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, It means a lot to me that some people actually care to read this Fanfiction, written by me. :3 I feel so honored.

Anyway, I have to go write out more (Longer) chapters for this story and get all of the details together for my next story that will be coming up soon. Be on the look out for it (It's up to you, I'm not forcing you to try to read my other one.). I already have a little bit of the story written out. x3 Tell me how I did on this one! :3

Anyway, I'm gonna go do my stuff, you do your stuff, and we won't do each others stuff (THAT WAS A REFERENCE TO SOMEONE ON YOU TUBE. If you got it congrats. I did change it up a bit though, the actual one was 'I'll do me, You do you, And we won't do each other.') xD Ok bye! -Alexis

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