Bloody Bathroom(?) ~Chapter 4~

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Oh, um hi. Why are you here again? ... Oh yeaaa! The next chapter! Well then... ;-; Anyway I am gonna let you read my next chapter. To be honest, I REFUSE TO GIVE THIS UP! But at the same time it's a pain. T_T But since some of you like my content, I'ma "keep 'er 'Goin!" ( Another reference from a different youtuber! Come on, you can do this! I will... BELIEVEEEE In you! Ok now I sound like a retard...) Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, It might be terrible, or Vise Versa, who knows? Please tell me if I did good, I am gonna try my hardest to make these FABULOUS. o3o um... Yea... Cya! -Alexis P.S. I just realized my quote is from someone we all know ;-; That is if you are reading this and you know who these people are...


~ Vanoss Pov ~

I woke up with sore eyes and a sore back. Which, didn't help me." Ugh, what time is it?" I looked over, my alarm clock read 10:33 A.M. I groaned in pain, and the fact that I had to get up. I pulled myself into a sitting position. I sat there trying to wake up, and remember what happened last night. ' Oh my god.' I laughed, but quickly went to a serious face. ' I forgot I was gonna play whatever game they were gonna play... Oops. I'm sure Lui told them I was picking Jonathon up.' 

I ran my fingers through my bed hair as I sighed deeply. I dragged myself out of the bed and walked over to my drawer which (Obviously) contained all of my clothes.  I picked out an outfit for today, and headed off to my shower. 'He he... Better not drop the soap.' (What have I become... ;-; )

~ Delirious Pov~ (Evan is in the shower as this happens)

 Ugh, the light. Every time I wake in the morning, it's like the sun wants to strangle me with light. 'What time is it?' I rolled over to where Evan was supposed to be. I didn't bother to call him out or look for him, he was probably taking a shower.  I stepped on the soft carpet surrounding Evan's bed and expanded my arms wide, and stretched. I yawned and walked over to Evan's drawer full of clothes. I was really tired, probably because I didn't know what I was doing. 

I walked out of the room, not knowing if I picked my clothes out, or just accidentally grabbed some of Evan's clothes. Honestly I wouldn't care, he smells nice. 'Well. I have a couple of options. One, I can watch TV, Two, I can go back to bed, Or three, Cook both of us breakfast.' The last one made my stomach growl. I laughed quietly. 'Food it is then.'

I walked over to the fridge to examine what I could cook. I was starting to wake up a bit more, so I at least I could process what I was doing now. 'Hmm... Eggs, Bacon, Hash browns... Well, I could could pancakes! I know he likes pancakes.' I know a lot about my Evan Bear. I got all of the ingredients together, along with the tools. 'I'm gonna cook all of this food. Then we attack.' I grinned.

~ Vanoss Pov~ 

I got out of the shower, without dropping the soap ( xD ;-; I will ground myself now.), I slipped on my clothes and went to go wake up my Jonathon. Too late. He was already up. 'Dang.' I crept out of my room,  looking for Jonathon. I whipped my head around the corner, and spotted him in the kitchen. 

He was facing the opposite way from me cooking something, which smelt like heaven. I stepped into the kitchen without getting noticed, and I bolted straight for him, slowing down as I approached him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, making him just straighten his back and stiffen. "Hey beautiful." I whispered seductively into his ear. "Evan! What the hell?!" He turned around with a beet red face. I just laughed. Then, that's when I noticed something.

 "Hey Delirious. You do realize something right?" He grew a puzzled look on his face. "Um. No? Why what's wrong?" I blushed. "Let me give you two hints. Your beautiful. Second, if any of our friends saw you the way you are, you could say you have a, 'bare face'?" Silence. "Sh!t!" He ran to our bedroom and slammed the door shut, with the addition of locking it.  I wasn't to surprised. After all, he would never show his face to anyone, even if his life depended on it. At least that's what it seemed like.

It had been two hours since he had come out. The curiosity got the best of me. I turned the TV off and silently walked up to the door. "Jonathon? You Ok?" No response. "Jonathon? Can you please let me in?" No response. 'Oh no.' I ran over to my front door, which right next to it, I had a spare key for every room. I grabbed the spare key and bolted to the door. I unlocked it. "Jonathon?" I called out. I walked over to the bathroom, finding it unlocked. I dropped to the ground.

 There was blood all over the walls. Jonathon was on the floor with his arms wide out and a bloody razor next to him. He had cut the word 'Evan' out with a heart behind the word. "J-J-Jonathon! W-Wake up!" I crawled over to his unconscious, or dead, body. I held him for a couple of minutes, letting heavy tears fall to the newly painted red tiles. I felt his pulse and breathed slowly.

 'Ok, he is still breathing. We will have a talk when he wakes up. I jerked my hand from my jean pocket holding my cell phone. 12:06 A.M "Why would you do such a thing Jonathon? Your so lucky that the hospital opened a couple of minutes ago." And with that I rushed out running as fast as my legs could go. 

I didn't care that I was barely breathing. As long as I got Jonathon to the hospital before it was too late. I rushed him in calling for a doctor or a nurse, whatever he could get. He saw a bunch of co-workers run over to them, and before he could speak, he could no longer see color other than pure black.


Hey there! Hopefully you liked this chapter as much as my friends reading it before publicly publishing!\(^D^)/  Please DO NOT KILL! o_o I know it is an hour and a half late ;-; but my writers block was huge. Don't worry, the story will get better, won't spoil this next chapter though. o3o I really don't have anything else to say, other than the fact that I chased one of my best friends out of the room because she refused to get ice-cream. How dare she. T3T Anyway... I hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna go put (more) stickers on my beautiful face. Cya! -Alexis ( Shout out to creepypastalover2020 !! She is the one who refused the ice-cream! She is amazing!)

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