The Arrival ~Chapter 2~

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~Delirious Pov~
I sat up in bed thinking about last night with Vanoss. 'No, he doesn't like you he's just playing games' my brain said, but I ignored it. I started to play GTA5 when all of the sudden I remember the ticket. "Oh crap! Erm what time is it?!?!" I panicked. I look at my phone with it being 5:26 a.m. leaving me with only 1 and a half hours until my flight takes off. I am already packed so that was checked off. Waking up check. So all I need is a nice warming shower. I get a fresh pair of clothes and run to the bathroom. I turn on the water, and jump into my shower. (Not literally)

~Evan (Vanoss) Pov~
I have been up since 4:00 a.m. I have been thinking about him all day and night, and just can't wait to see my delirious. Although- he has his mask- Damn it. Why does he even wear that mask, I bet he is so beautiful. He is in every way even now. I was interrupted by a text. 'Who is it now?!' I check my phone. "Damn it Lui" I whisper to my self.
L: Hey Vanoss I just wanted to see if you could record with me and the guys later?

E: Yea I guess but I gotta pick delirious up around 3:40 later.

L: Oh. Ok we'll see you then, I guess.

I didn't reply although it seems like after I told him I was gonna get delirious he seemed mad all of the sudden. I stopped and checked the time - oh $#!% ! I have 2 hours till 3:40 and my house is a mess! 'Ugh why now..' I got frustrated but managed it. It took me a half an hour to clean, but I still had to eat breakfast and get in the shower. 'Screw it I'm getting to TacoBell.' I said to myself while getting ready for an amazing shower.
Hey persons! Sorry I haven't posted since two weeks I think... Anyway I have been having family issues and Mother Nature issues lately so It has been had for me to write/post frequently. So next chapter I will post the Mother Nature incident that happened to me 😢 Ehh got to go Ima get in trouble bye! -Epic

Oh and I will post Jonathon getting of the plane!

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