Explanation ( I IS SORRY!)

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Ok, PLEASE! Before you hurt me... I will explain myself. I was not able to post because of a couple of things that went down in these past couple of months. I will tell you all of those reasons, right here, right now.

-First off, I have given you a picture. Your asking, 'What does that have to do with you not uploading?' What it means is that, clearly, you can see a tree in the background. So? So, All of the tree parts on the ground and roof, came from that tree, destroying part of the property next door (I know you can't see it but still ;-; ), our back room in our back yard, and all that was left was our lawnmower and our grill... ;-; Um... Yea. *Cries one tear*

-Second, my little brother got hit by a car, and I watched it D: *Cries another tear* Basically him and I were on our bikes, and there is a parking lot with three exits. We took the one on the left, and we didn't know or see a car coming down our road real fast...  But hey! He is Ok, only a scratched up nose, and stuff, no major injuries. Plus, we got Mexican food! :D I feel like a terrible person D:

-Third, I had A LOT OF TRIPS. I live here in Oregon, and my trips were annoying. T_T First, I went to Texas to see my half brothers. One was graduating, so I had to be there. o3o (Sorry for all of my faces...) Second, on my spring break, my Grandma and Dad came to visit from Oklahoma since I haven't really seen them in four years. :/ Third, camping at Howard Prairie. It was fun though. :'D Trust me, I had a lot ( That wasn't all of them but you get my point (Or do you?)...) 

-Fourth, I have been using my hand, and a pencil! With those two combined, I created... ART! :D W-What? Were you expecting an explanation for that one to? ;-; Um... Lets see... Potatoes. That's all. :T

I honestly don't know how many times this will occur, BUT IMA HOPE IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. Ok? Ok. 

I just really wanted to thank you all for putting up with this, and REALLY, TANKS YOU FOR 300+ READS!! :D That really made my day, when I checked this story. And again, I am SO, VERY, SORRY about these 6 months,but a couple of things for the future to.

I have found out about a certain anime... It is now the only anime I watch, (If you know a good one, Comment! :D ) But it is called Durarara!! (I do not own anything from Drrr!!) I really like it, but it came out about five years ago, so you might not know about it. (You should check it out, and I will stop putting things in Parentheses now ;D; ) Here is what will happen:

-Later on in the future, after at least 10 or so chapters of this story, I think I should hand it over to one of you. But!... If you guys really like my content, and what I am writing, I will keep on doing this story.

-Keep look out for a new fanfiction from Drrr!! Plus... If you check it out, you can start guessing the two characters! :D I will give you a hint... Boy x Boy and Yaoi... There C:

-Possibly more 'Tanks You!' and more of 'I is so Sorry! ;D; Don't hurt me...' xD

- Author Notes, Like this one! c:

Anyway thank you to all who read this! I hope you understand but I will never leave D: I just couldn't. This is a quarter of my life, 1/4, 25%! 

Thanks again, Cya peoples! 


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