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Not much has happened in the past few months. Jinx and I have only gotten closer, and my feelings stronger. I fear that they will only strengthen. Back in February, I was in a fight with Dylan. I soon after apologized to Jinx for yelling at her in March.


"Jinx, please talk to me."

"I'm listening." She turned around in the empty corridor and crossed her arms, the corner of her lip twitching.

"I am so sorry for shouting. I was angry." I shoved my hands into my pockets. "I didn't mean to take it out on you. I was... upset. I should have walked away. I had no reason not to. I should not have hit him and I should have let us have a calm conversation. I let my emotions get the better of me."

"Okay."  She smiled.

"And I understand if you won't forgive me but I hope you will." 

"Draco, it's fine." She giggled and she lurches forward, engulfing me in a hug.


Then, in April she invited me to her house again. I had to deny. I still had paperwork and cleaning up to do at home for break. Though, soon after break it was just us back at school. Sometimes we would hang out with Corinne and Melody. I don't think Josiah likes me much, so he doesn't join us as often anymore. In May, we went to the graves of those we lost in The Battle of Hogwarts. 

The anniversary was a very melancholy event. None were quite perky that day and classes were canceled so we could all visit the ones we lost, or the ones that fought bravely for us. Many slapped me on that back that day, applauding me in my aid that day.



"Yeah." She smiled at me while we approached Lavender Brown's grave. She was a hopeless romantic and was very well known around the school. I soon came to learn the day before that she was one of Jinx's best friends. I felt sick the rest of the day.

"Why aren't you sad?" I asked as we crouched down. Jinx laid a bundle of lavender on her grave.

"What do you mean?" She giggled and wiped away at Lavender's grave, clearing it of newly grown moss and debris.

"I mean, everyone else is sad, crying I guess. Except you, you're smiling. You're celebrating while others mourn?"

"Who would want someone to cry for them?" She paused and smiled. "Lavender wouldn't want that. Neither would I,"

I looked down, avoiding people's gazes. I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, I don't think anyone really does.

"I guess you're right." I turned and smiled at her warmly. She smiled and continued fixing up the grave for her parents.


Now it's June and today is the last day of school. I haven't been very busy, unlike Jinx. She's been rushing around trying to help everyone with everything, being the smart girl she is. I studied with everyone a couple times, but I prefer to be by myself when I study.

I was riding the train with Josiah, Corinne, Melody and Jinx. Though, it was only Jinx and I at the moment. 

"Jinx. Will you spend the summer with me?" I looked down at my lap. "I fear we won't see each other much considering we are out of school."

"I..." She paused nervously, but just grinned afterwards. "Of course. Can I just come with you straight from the station?"

"Uh. Yes. Of course." I smiled and laid back in my seat, my head resting against the window.

Shoulder to Shoulder // A Draco Malfoy Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now