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I was back at school. The angry stares of old classmates penetrated my skin and I scurried to the library, in hopes of avoiding their gazes. I helped Potter that day, at the Battle of Hogwarts, he saved my life too. Though, my moment didn't reach everyone's hearts and they still hated me. My forearm itched as the mark faded slowly but my memories stung like a fresh wound.

My feet carried me into the library and away from the angry students. My guilt still ran deep, and I couldn't help but think that all of this was my fault. So many people would still be alive if it wasn't for me. I thought about it often, I couldn't go to all of the funerals. I could barely get myself to go to Fred Weasley's funeral. I always thought those two were funny, I can't believe I let all of these people die. I could've stopped it, some way, somehow.

The library shelves were more sparse than previous years. Most got ruined in the battle and they're still repairing them. My fingers graze over the leather books, and I walk mindlessly through the library. Names were carved on the walls, mourners immortalizing their lost loved ones. I hit a table on accident and a girl jumps up. Her brown eyes shone in the flickering candle light she had, and freckles peppered her nose softly. The girl's clothing and journal were now soaked with her tea.

"Oh, sorry," I cast a quick spell to repair the broken teacup and set it back up on the table. She shook out her journal pages and drops of tea were flung around.

"It's okay. Keep your eyes more open!" Her voice was smooth and she had a bright smile on her face. I nodded. "What's your name?"

"Draco Malfoy," I said, I was confused. Everyone knew me because everyone hated me.

"I'm Jinx Morana," She stuck her hand out, but I didn't take it. Jinx's hand slowly fell back to her side, but her smile never faltered. "What year?"

"Seventh, redo," My voice came out monotone. I couldn't be bothered with this.

"Me too!" She sits back down and picks her wet clothing away from her skin.

Really? I never noticed her before. I usually know everyone, or, I did. She smiles up at me and I walk away. I shouldn't be talking to her, her smile is annoying.

"Hello Draco!" Jinx called out to me during dinner. Tables were now sat in a square, the teachers wanted us to get along and mix houses. It worked, new friendships blossomed and old rivalry's were almost forgotten.

"Don't call me that," I pick at my food.

"Ah don't be so sour!" She giggles and scoops food onto her plate, next to me.

"Why are you over here? Your friends are waiting for you," I motion to a group of two girls and a boy trying to catch her attention.

"You're my friend now too and you're sitting alone," She bumps my shoulder with hers softly and smiles while she eats.

"Leave me alone," I stand up from my seat and walk out of the Great Hall. Small, but quick footsteps are following me, so I stop and a small frame runs into my back. "Seriously?"

"You're lonely,"

"And I like it like that. Go away," I turn and walk back to my dorm room, alone this time.

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco!" She giggles and I could hear her annoying smile from here. I shake my head. I reached my dorm and swung open the door, the handle hitting the wall. I stomp inside and throw myself on my bed. Everyone in my dorm switched so they didn't have to live with me. I liked it better like this. I didn't feel pressured to keep up an act. I could cry for everyone if I felt like it, I could mourn in peace. Sleep overcame me quickly.

Shoulder to Shoulder // A Draco Malfoy Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now