Chapter 1: Proof that the Devil lived (Part 4)

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If the earth was considered dull, then the underworld would be lifeless. 

Teeming with beings of malevolence, the underworld was home to billions of devils. It carried the significant weight of sin. 

 The climate would always remain the same, a heavy breeze under the dull, greyish sky. The ground was made of stony concrete wherein the devils would walk barefoot on. There were many devil villages, 500,106 villages to be precise. The village Asmodeus was a part of was a rich village and was the closest to the castle. As you can imagine, there would not be a single tree nor grass in sight. No seas dividing villages, no lake and no rivers. Just plain land. 

Asmodeus entered this underworld with his new appearance. It faintly resembled his human form but with a few additions. A thin, pliable tail as long as a snake, the glistening red glow in his eyes, a pair of horns sticking out from his head and vicious pair of yellow fangs sticking out from inside his mouth. If this was still adequate to make one unconvinced of the legitimacy of a devil, a truly legitimate devil would have a permanent logo around his right cheek or eye. A specific logo carried down from generations of their kin. This symbol resembled their dedication to evil and was proof that you were a part of the devil clan. Naturally, Asmodeus also had this logo around his cheek. Whether willing or unwilling, he is a part of the devil race. 

The devil form would also cause a surge in physical capabilities such as a sprint or a leap. Their muscles would be developed faster and stronger than that of a human. Their senses would also be honed, a quick whiff would be adequate to identify someone from a mile away. The abnormalities would not stop there. Their extreme lust for blood would be enhanced significantly. A mere glance of human gore would kindle an extreme bloodlust, thus causing some to go berserk. But they had to refrain from killing humans as that would differ from the purpose of their existence. Even so, more than half of the population had killed a human before and therefore, was punished severely for their forbidden actions.Asmodeus managed to refrain from killing a human for his entire life. He strictly trained himself to restrain the urge of licking blood and passed his training successfully. And so, when exposed to human blood, he will have no desire to pursue it. 

Upon entering this place, Asmodeus inhaled the stench of the underworld and almost immediately, felt at ease. 

 "Hahh... it's the underworld..." 

The underworld... the abode of the devils, where monstrosity lies. These devils would whisper inside the mortal's ear, the whispers of wickedness in which the people would carry out subconsciously. As long as they do not touch the human's flesh, the devils would camouflage to their surroundings if in their devil form. 

Their duty to convey malevolence was made for them. 

In some cases, the humans would become completely inure to their cruel deeds to the extent where the devils were not needed to encourage them into these acts. The soul of the human's gradually rotted and become the same kind of that of a devil, yet still they thought their life was sinless. Whilst the soul deteriorated, their mind managed to convince itself that it was clean and pure. 

The answer to our innocence lies within the soul. The result of our actions depending on its colour. Is it blue like a summer's sky, or black like a winter's night? 

"Ah... it's windy." 

His left hand reached for his pocket whist his right held tight the shoulder straps of his school bag. He had the map of the school that was peeking out from his pocket and was about to be abducted by the heavy wind. To ensure he did not lose it, he proceeded to hold it with his hand to keep it from being blown away. Unfortunately, his hand had barely missed the map of the school, and the wind carried it out the pocket. 

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