YoU MaybE: Viii

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>>>>>—Four Months Later—<<<<<|{20/10/20}|

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>>>>>—Four Months Later—<<<<<


This day started out just like any other day....calmly.
Never in a million years did i expect for it to turn out the way it did.

But let me take a step back and give y'all a rundown of how we got here.

There was an anti-robbery group in the police force that was supposed to be specialized on finding and catching criminals. But instead of doing that their corrupt asses spent all their time profiling, harassing and killing young people like animals. If you had tattoos, or had a nice car, or a nice phone, or if you were a dude with long hair or girl with colored hair, you were profiled and harassed. Them mofo's would stop you and take all your money and phone, and sometimes your car, and beat the shit outta you. And if they were met with any resistance they'd shoot you point blank and get away with it.

I mean, I haven't cut my hair in years and it was constantly braided, and excluding my face and neck I had tattoos all over my body,
Does that make me a criminal?

Keandra had red hair and a nose ring, does that make her a criminal?

Kammy and Kerry both changed the color of their hairs so much that I lose track, they damn near be having their hair like 6ix9ine sometimes, does that make them criminals?

Yet we got pulled over one time i was driving my pops car with my sisters in the car with me, and these bozos wanna ask me how i could afford the car. They said my sister's and i were part of a gang that robbed a similar car days prior. But I already knew that was there M.O so it didn't fly with me.

Words were exchanged and next thing i knew they were demanding I pay them a crazy amount of money. For what?

As if that wasn't ridiculous enough they pulled a gun on us and made a huge unnecessary scene. The only way we got outta that was because I had my passport on me and threatened to drive straight to the American embassy if they didn't cut that shit out.

So the youths of the country got tired of the shit and began a nationwide protest. The first of its kind in a long time if not ever, according to my cousins. Of course we went out and protested everyday against our parents warning.

In the two plus weeks the protest went on folks from countries all over the world began to protest and bring awareness to the situation. Even my brothers, plus Daisha and Don went out and protested with other people back home.
It was a huge thing.

I guess the government got threatened by the unity and the force of change they were witnessing and decided to send the military to handle the situation. Rumors began to spread days before of their plans, but then we were told to relax, and that according to the constitution the army could not shoot unarmed citizens if they held up the flag. They said the army had a code, and it was against said code for them to do some fowl shit like that.

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