RuinouS DesirE: II

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Present Day

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Present Day...

Spender decided to take a day off today and spend some much needed time with his kids. That rarely ever happened due to the nature of his job, as a matter of fact he was hardly ever home, which made every chance he got to spend with them precious.

He glanced over at his son who was busy scrolling through his phone in the couch opposite him and smiled fondly. Sebastian looked twelve the way he curled up in himself like that.

Suddenly Spencer's expression hardened as he recalled the conversation he had with his son three days ago. Sebastian was convinced that Brody Jones was stalking him, and one thing Spencer could bet his whole career on was that Sebastian didn't have a lying bone in his entire body, so he believed him completely. Which was why the sheriff had his people watching over his kid while he worked on the restraining order, the moment he got proof that boy was indeed stalking his child, Lakewood would be too small for them both. His lifelong friendship with the boy's father notwithstanding.

Sebastian's phone buzzed loudly in the otherwise quiet living room efficiently disrupting Spencer's thoughts and dragging him back to reality. He watched as his son flinched and hesitated, staring at the phone in his hands like it had teeth.

"Who is it?" He asked the boy who's free hand cradled his stomach protectively. That seemed to be his go-to move these days for when he's panicked or worried.

"I'm not sure, I don't recognize the number."

"But you're afraid it might be Brody." It wasn't a question, the boy's countenance and body language said it all.

Sebastian nodded yes.

"Want me to get it?"

Sebastian paused and thought about it for a second then shook his head no. "That's okay, I'll do it."

As the boy spoke into his phone Spencer observed his son's expression change from worry, to surprise, all the way to excitement. By the time he got off the phone he was practically beaming.

"That was Quincy's dad, he's coming over to drop off some of Quincy's old baby stuff, and some new ones too."

Spencer's chest tightened, the last time he saw Tyrone was at the hospital when Sebastian was admitted. They spoke on the phone days ago but the conversation lasted all of one minute, so that didn't count.

"Oh I think he's here already." Sebby called over his shoulder as he all but ran outside. All Spencer could do was nod.

He sat there quietly for a while unsure of what to do or if he should do anything at all. I mean he's not here for me so I don't have to bother with the pleasantries right? He thought defensively.

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