YoU MaybE: Bunos Chapter

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Author's Note
This chapter is mad long, so grab a drink or sum lol.
And I did not proofread this, just ignore any typo that jump at you and pretend it ain't there.



15th February 2021.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing off the hook. I mean, I had expected to get some calls today from my folks and nem seeing as I just got out, but that phone been going off for over an hour straight!
It was mad irritating to say the least.

I tried to get up with my eyes still closed, but then I felt a weight on top of me. I didn't need anyone to tell me it was my son though, he'd been attached to me since I got out, afraid I was gon get arrested again. I mean— it was two weeks, not two years, but try telling that to a 9-year old.

I moved around a little so I could grab my phone without waking him up. But then again if all the ringing didn't wake him up, a little shaking wouldn't.

"I'll call y'all back later." I grumbled into the phone without checking for caller id cos who else could it possibly be besides my folks right? Ehh wrong.

"That's how you answer your phone?" Ola's voice asked from the other end of the line.

I was shocked, I'm not even gon front. "Ola?"

"Hey Kane. How are you?"

"Asleep, it's the asscrack of dawn."

He laughed nervously, then cleared his throat. "Yeah sorry, I didn't take note of the time. I'm in your city by the way, and I was hoping we could grab some coffee or something and talk."

I was silent for a bit, because what the fuck was going on? I hadn't heard from this nigga since he upped and left two years ago, and suddenly he's in my city? Last I checked he was in Canada. "What's going on? You good?" I asked, as I carefully placed KJ on the bed and sat up.

"Yes I'm great. I just wanted to talk to you about something important."

"It's not a good time Ola, I got mad shit to do today. Can we talk on the phone instead?"

Ola let out a huff of breath. "I understand this is out of nowhere, but this is how you're reacting to me being in your city? I mean we haven't seen each other in two years, one would think you'd be a little happy to see me."

I didn't respond to that because what the fuck was there to say? I ain't happy bout shit, and I ain't finna lie.

"I guess not." He said sadly, which made me feel bad a little. But i don't know what to say to the man, he hadn't so much as crossed my mind in a long ass time.

"Anyway, I want to see you about something business related if you must know. All I ask is thirty minutes."

"Aight, I'll text you a place in an hour."

"See you soon." He responded and I hung up.


Two hours later I was sitting across a table from Ola tired as fuck. It was cold as shit so I had hoodies on hoodies on, with my hands shoved in my pocket.

It was strange seeing Ola here for some reason. He was the last person I expected to call me today, much less real life talking to me.

After exchanging pleasantries and failing at small talk we finally got right to the topic of discussion. He said he'd seen a post my sister had put up on Instagram about me possibly making a movie, and that he wanted to be a part of the project. To possibly finance it. Apparently he was into production and shit now.

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