14. Blonds are the worst

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Varian's POV

They had only been walking twenty minutes when Varian saw the world go black. It was only for a second, pain and exhaustion finally catching up to him. But the second he came back his feet weren't on the ground.

He felt warmth around him and almost went to sleep again from its comfort.

"Yo hairstripe, you alive?"

Varian nearly jumped 20 feet in the air when he realized he was in Hugo's arms.

"Jeez, I've held babies heavier than you. I could probably break you in two with my bare hands," Hugo snickered.

"Shut up" Varian fumed, face going red.

"Nah, I like talking," Hugo said dully.

"You're really annoying you know that?"

"You're really cute you know that?" Hugo teased grabbing Varian's chin. Varian was beet red now. Then Hugo dropped him.

"But otherwise really obnoxious."

Varian sat on the ground, wind knocked out of him trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Yo, why you lyin' on the ground we have places to be."

Varian had to hold back from tearing his head off. "Come on we can set up camp soon since you don't seem to know how to walk." Varian bit his lip, holding down a retaliation.

He wanted nothing to do with this kid. He seemed to be your everyday self-centered brat. But said brat had supplies and Varian needed supplies if he was gonna survive.

When they got closer to a river Hugo dropped his supplies. "Ok this seems like a good spot. We have to share a tent. Hope you don't mind, wasn't expecting a roommate."

As Hugo started to set up the tent, Varian attempted to help, until he realized he had no idea what he was doing.  He was definitely more book smart than street smart.

"Why you actin' like you've never put up a tent before?"

"Because I haven't" Varian replied shyly.

Hugo stopped what he was doing to look at Varian. "So lemme get this straight. You go out adventuring, without knowing how to use the most simple item?"

"It is not simple ok! They don't teach you this stuff in the books!"

"You're dad shoulda taught ya"

"I was always too busy with alchemy"

"That's a shame" Hugo said shaking his head. "My mom taught me everything I know."

"My mom's dead."

"Grim" Hugo replied, going back to working on the tent. Varian watched Hugo and tried to mimic what he was doing. It actually wasn't that hard once he got into it. He was definitely overacting.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Varian asked dumbfounded.

"You gotta put the poles in the tent, not shove em in the ground."


Hugo fell to the ground laughing. Varian turned his head in embarrassment. Hugo went on for another 5 minutes before he gathered himself. "Care to tell me why you're really out here?"

"I blew my cover, huh?" Varian asked awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.

"Knew from the beginnin' shortie."

"Well there's a lot of stuff that's hard to explain. And erm you probably wouldn't believe me."

"Uh huh"

"And um- you know I don't need to tell you anything" Varian exclaimed putting his hands on his hips.

"Oooo secretive. Quirky" Hugo responded sarcastically. "Now help me pitch up this tent princess."

"Don't call me that!"

Rapunzel's POV

"What do you mean I can't leave?" Rapunzel asked fear quivering into her voice. The old women came up behind her and started petting her hair.

"I just wanted my sunflower back." Rapunzel's heart dropped into her chest.


"The one and only darlin."

"How are you even alive?"

"That doesn't matter sweetie" Gothel said bringing her head to Rapunzel's hair. This couldn't be happening. Rapunzel had to be dreaming.

Yes that's what this was. Just another dream. She was in her bed and none of this ever happened. Varian was in jail. They were in Corona. And Gothel was dead.

"On the bright side I don't need you any more. I have a new flower. A moon drop perhaps."

"M-Moon drop?" Rapunzel stuttered. No she couldn't have.

"What was his name again? Vance? Varintosh?"

"You took Varian." Rapunzel stated in a dead voice.

"Surprise" Gothel said shaking her hands. Rapunzel couldn't believe it. But it made perfect since. Somehow Gothel was alive, and she bet Varian had something to do with it. She took him and now she's using him to stay young again.

But that didn't make any sense. The moondrop was supposed to hurt not heal. There had to be some kind of negative effect.

"Now I can't have you trying to get in my way" Gothel growled standing in front of the door.

"You're crazy I'm getting out of here" Rapunzel replied.

"No you're not!" Gothel replied grabbing her arm. Rapunzel yelped out in pain as her hand began to burn her. Cue the negative effect.

A/N: Hey guys I want to be very flexible with this story and allow you guys some freedom with it. I was wondering what you guys enjoy more ship wise. Varian x Arcelina, Varian x Hugo, or no romantic feelings. Thx and I hope y'all are doing well.

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