8. Don't you trust me

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Varian's POV

Arcelina had taken a hair pin and unlocked one of the chains on his wrist and gave him a chair to hold onto like some type of crutch.

"Seriously you don't trust me" Varian said motioning to the arm with the chains still on.

"Of course I do. But anyone held captive would 100%  try to escape if they had the chance"

"Um, I hate to break it too you Arcy, but I can't walk"

"Whatever right now we gotta figure out how to use your rock powers"

"Don't call them that"

"Whatever, just do you know how you used them before" Arcelina asked.

"No" Varian replied.

"Like did you feel anything, nausea, shaking,... magic coursing through your veins" she said rocking on her heel.

"What would that even feel like" he asked.

"I DON'T KNOW, I don't have magical moon powers"

"I felt absolutely nothing. You saw what happened, things were fine then I sneezed and boom, rock."

"Hmmmmmmmmmm" she said tapping a pencil to her head. "Maybe it's when your body has a reaction. Like sneezing or coughing."

"That's not very likely because-"

"Wait, lemme got get some dust, be right back."

"Wait what, Arcelina come back" he yelled.


He stood there thinking to himself. He didn't want to be a part of this. He didn't want to have some connection to these stupid rocks. The rocks that incased his father.

Every second he felt himself becoming angrier. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for those stupid rocks. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for that stupid snow storm. None of this would happen if it wasn't for Rapunzel. None of this would happen if it wasn't for...


The ground started shaking. Varian fell to the ground. A bunch of rocks circled Varian against the wall. But they were pointing outward almost as if they were some kind of shield.

"Ok I'm back and-what the heck happened" Arcelina asked.

"I don't know!" Varian exclaimed latching onto the chair struggling to stand back up.

"Here let me help you" Arcelina said. But as she started walking towards him the rocks shot out farther. "Um, mind not making them do that."

"I can't control it" Varian yelled anger and fear filled his voice. The rocks shot out even farther backing Arcelina into a corner. She started to piece things together.

"Varian I think they respond to emotion! You need to calm down" she yelled.

He started mumbling to himself "c'mon Varian calm down, keep your cool." But he couldn't. Panic started to set in as the rocks got dangerously close to Arcelina. If he didn't do something soon she would be impaled.

In a moment of desperation, he picked up the chair and slammed his head into it as hard as he could.

He fell to the ground as black filled his vision before he passed out.

Arcelina's POV

The rocks finally stopped coming towards her. They were just inches away from completely impaling her.

"See I told you you could do it" Arcelina shouted excitedly. She didn't get a response. She carefully maneuvered around the rocks to look over where Varian was. She didn't see him.

"Varian" she called panic filling her voice. She climbed over the rocks until she saw Varian's unconscious frame. He had blood flowing from his forehead. She saw the bloodstained chair and put together what happened.

"Oh Varian" she mumbled sadness in her voice. She had to climb over the rocks to get to her room where she had some gauze.

When she got back over she patched up his head and undid his other chain. His foot was messed up, he possibly had a concussion, and with those things there was no way he would be able to navigate through the rocks.

After that she went over to the rocks and started analyzing them. One thing she figured out right away, they were unbreakable, much like Varian's streak.

She also noted that they respond to emotion. It would be a challenge but she needed to figure out a way to keep Varian calm until he figures out how to control them.

She started thinking to herself. She wasn't sure what emotion started the rocks but she knew what emotions continued them.


A/N: Thanks again for dealing with the wait. First off I just wanted to say that I loved the way the series ended. Even though the moon theory is officially non-canon I haven't lost motivation. Also with the virus I now have a lot more time to write future chapters. I am still getting a lot of work but it's a lot easier to manage. I hope you guys are all safe ❤️. I love you all and wash your hands 🧼.

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