Fourteen: Weddings & Worries

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december 3rd, 2020

two days before the wedding

Austin and Ally walked hand-in-hand to the venue, smiles etched on both of their faces. Since the day Ally had gotten her dress, they had kicked the wedding planning into high gear, with Trish's help. They now had the venue completely booked, a cake ordered, a DJ hired, and a full guest list solidified, among the many items on their to-do list. They were going to the venue a few days before the ceremony to help Trish get some things set up before the rehearsal dinner the following night, and neither of them could contain their excitement.

"So... you ready for this?" Austin asked, pausing to put his mask on before entering the building.

"Totally," Ally responded, putting hers on as well. "I'm so excited for all of these nitty gritty details to be squared away so I can just get up there and marry you, already."

"I feel the same way." Austin opened the door and they entered the ballroom to find Trish running around, placing name cards on the tables. She noticed them walk in and waved.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it. I need your help setting up," she said bluntly, throwing a stack of name cards at each of them. "Take these and put them where you want them. The seating chart you created is over by the table where the wedding party sits." She pointed to a square table off to the side, and Austin started looking over the seating chart. "Oh, you can take your masks off, by the way," she added, shooting them a sideways glance. "You guys both tested negative, right?" Ally nodded.

"Yeah, we did," Austin said. "Otherwise there wouldn't be a wedding to go to," he joked. Ally shot him a look, then turned back to Trish. She ripped her mask off and went over to where Austin was standing to help him place the name cards.

"So, we have your parents sitting over here at table six," Austin said, not taking his eyes off the chart, "And mine at seven, right?"

"Right," Ally confirmed. "Where did we put our other friends? Like Dallas, Elliot, Kira...etcetera?"

"Why'd you invite those guys?" Austin asked, frowning. "I didn't think that you still kept in contact with them."

"Of course, I invited them. Elliot's one of my oldest friends, and so is Kira."

"What about Dallas? Why'd you invite him?" Austin furrowed his brow. Ally could tell he was suspicious of her inviting her former crush to their wedding.

"Because we're friends," Ally laughed, grabbing his hand reassuringly, "You don't have to worry about me getting feelings back for him. You're the one I love." She pecked him on the cheek and continued placing the cards on the table.

They worked for the next few hours getting the centerpieces set up (bouquets of lilies and orchids, as Ally requested) and eventually finished up for the night. They were going to have a lot to do the following night, as well, and of course the day after that would be pretty hectic. Nevertheless, everyone slept soundly that night, looking forward to the days ahead.


december 4th, 2020

the day before the wedding

around 4:00 p.m.

The next day, Ally arrived at the venue with Penny and Lester, who had made a speedy recovery and had since tested negative. Ally felt her hands become clammy as they walked into the building. Austin had insisted on keeping the dress code for the rehearsal dinner casual and comfortable since they'd be spending the following day getting 'fancified,' as he put it. Ally had agreed because if she was being honest, she didn't want to spend two whole days in her dress.

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