Thirteen: Dresses & Details

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a month and a half later


Austin sat at his computer, drumming his fingers nervously on the keyboard. It was about a month after they'd gotten out of quarantine and he was waiting for Ally to show up at his apartment so they could get some more details set in place for the wedding. They'd all been very grateful to finally leave the Music Factory, but Ally made them promise to be careful so they could all stay healthy for the wedding, and as a result, insisted on doing most of their planning via video chat. Today was a big day, however; one they felt they needed to be together for. Austin and Ally were going to pick out wedding rings, and Ally was also going dress shopping with Trish, Mimi, and Penny, who'd booked a special flight back from Africa to help her pick it out.

Austin heard a knock at the door and jumped up, setting his laptop down on the couch lightly and rubbing his hands on his pants. He went over to meet Ally, who he was sure was grinning underneath her mask.

"Hey," he greeted, giving her a side hug.

"Hey, yourself," she teased, walking into his apartment and over to the couch. She sat down and pulled her laptop. "You ready for today?"

"Yeah-bsolutely," he smiled and took a seat next to her. "Remind me what all is happening today? All this research has turned my brain into scrambled eggs."

Ally giggled. "We're going to pick out our wedding rings, remember? Oh, also, my mom is flying in to help me pick out my dress. And we have to pick our maid of honor and best man soon...which shouldn't be too hard. I mean, I already know who I'm going to pick."

"Yeah," Austin said, biting his lip. "So, if you're going dress shopping, does that mean..."

"Yes, you have to pick out your tux," Ally finished, "You've literally had about a month to do it and it still hasn't been done, so you should go get it soon. It's kind of a big part of the groom's job."

"It's so weird hearing you say that word," Austin mused, "Groom. I can't believe you get to call me that."

"It'll be even weirder calling you husband." Ally smiled, glancing up at him. "A good weird, though."

"Aren't those, like, the same?" Austin furrowed his brow.

"Kind of...Nobody will call you the groom after the wedding, though. It's like a wedding night-only thing."

"Huh. That's weird."

Ally stifled a laugh. "Yeah, it is." She looked over at the clock, which said 11:15. "Should we get going?" she asked, "Our appointment is at 11:30." Austin nodded. The two of them put their masks back on and headed out to Austin's car.

"Ugh, it's so hot out here," Ally commented once they were outside. It was mid-April, but that still meant hot weather in Miami. She preferred wintertime in Florida since even the spring gave them seventy to eighty degree weather. She enjoyed the luxury of wearing a light jacket, because the opportunity didn't present itself that often. Plus, any temperature higher than eighty degrees was torture if you weren't by a body of water.

When they got to the jewelry store, Austin turned the car off and they headed inside, holding hands the entire time. A young man who looked to be in his thirties greeted them when they walked in, and Ally looked around in wonder as the man started talking to Austin, who had been in this store before when he picked out Ally's engagement ring. This was all new to his fiancée, though, who became fascinated with every ring that she saw. Austin followed Ally around the store as she pointed out various different rings and he nodded in approval, only for her to move on to a different one. As much fun as it was planning the wedding, Austin was incredibly bored. After looking at about twenty different rings, Austin sighed.

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