Twenty Eight: Zebras & Zaliens

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july 2028

nine months later

"Come on, guys! Let's go!" Ally yelled up the stairs at her family. "We're going to miss our flight if you don't hurry up!"

"Yeah, I'm working on it!" Austin yelled back, frantically stuffing shirts and shorts into his suitcase. Austin, Ally, and their kids were going to visit Trish, Dez, and company in L.A. for about a week. The friends hadn't seen each other in-person since Alex was born—almost four years ago now—and they all agreed it was time that they met up and did something fun as a group. Ally had been so excited to get the call from Trish that she'd arranged for her and Austin to have a week off from work over a month ahead of time (which hadn't been that hard, given that they were their own bosses, in a sense).

"Mom, I can't find my yellow sundress!" Ava yelled from her room. Ally sighed and took the stairs two at a time, peeking her head into Ava's room.

"Why do you need that specific dress, Ava? Just...grab your green one."

"But I want my yellow one!" Ava whined, plopping down on the bed.

"Well, I don't know how to help you. If you can't find it, pick a different dress."

"Mommy, where's my toothbrush?" Ally went across the hall to the bathroom that Ava and Alex shared, where he had emptied the contents of every single drawer and cabinet in there. She frowned when she saw the mess and groaned, starting to pick everything up and throw it back in its respective place.

"Oh, here it is, Alex." Ally knit her eyebrows when she found the toothbrush sitting on the floor of the bathtub. "Any idea how it ended up in there?" The three-year-old shrugged, grabbed the toothbrush, and trotted off to pack it in his suitcase.

"Ally!" Austin yelled from the bedroom, "I can't find my lucky underpants!" Ally groaned and threw her head back, getting up off the floor and going down the hallway to her bedroom.

"You people really need to keep better track of your stuff," she mumbled, then added, "and Austin?"


"Ditch the truck underwear."

"But... they're my favorite pair!" he whined.

"Like father, like daughter," Ally mumbled, sitting down on the bed. Austin sat down next to her, frowning.

"So... does this mean you're not going to help me look for them?" Ally groaned.

"Fine." She followed Austin to the hamper in their closet, then searched through the pile of clean laundry she hadn't gotten to yet, which was stacked against the left side of their bedroom, and down to the laundry room. Ally shut the washing machine door with a sigh. "I don't know what to tell you, Austin. They're"—

"Don't say they're gone," he begged. "They've gotta be here somewhere." Austin continued searching through the laundry room and Ally went back out into the hallway, through the kitchen and into the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a familiar piece of fabric laying in front of Paris, who was stretched out on the floor, napping. Ally gulped and bent down to pick the underwear up, cringing at the sight. Paris had completely ripped them to shreds. What Austin had once considered his favorite pair of underpants was now just pieces of stringy fabric connected only by the elastic waistband. He was not going to be happy when he saw this.

Paris lifted her head and immediately hopped up, running into the other room when she saw the look on Ally's face.

"You're in big trouble, missy," Ally whispered. She gulped, turning back toward the laundry room. "Um, Austin?"

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