Twenty Six: Talk Shows & Talents

216 3 4

september 2027

one month later

8:30 a.m.

"Alright, Ava. The first step to learning the piano is hand position. So, put your right hand on these five keys right here," Ally positioned her daughter's fingers so they lined up with the middle of the keyboard. She glanced down at her, barely able to contain her excitement. Ally had been anticipating this moment ever since she found out she was pregnant with her daughter. "Good! Now, let's do your left hand. Now, make sure to lift your wrists up slightly when you play—like this." Ally adjusted Ava's fingers before continuing.

"Now, I think you're ready to learn about the notes. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you'll catch on quickly." Ava smiled up at her mom as Ally continued to ramble on about notes, chord progressions and the like. Her smile faded and she knit her brow.

"Um, mommy?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I'm only four."

Ally shook her head. "Right, sorry. I get a little carried away when it comes to music theory. Let's just start with the basics. This note that your thumb is on, that's called a C..." Ava's face lit up again and Ally soaked in each moment that she had with her daughter before the boys woke up.


"Daddy, wake up!" Austin's eyes fluttered and he jumped in surprise when he saw his two-year-old son standing inches from his face.

" gotta stop doing that. You scared me."

"Sowwy, daddy." Alex took a step back.

"Yeah, yeah. You know I can't stay mad at you for long." Austin ruffled his son's hair, and looked over at Ally's side of the bed, frowning when he didn't see her. "I wonder where your mom and sister went."

Alex shrugged. "I dunno, daddy."

"Should we go find them?" Austin asked, sitting up and stifling a yawn.

"Otay!" Alex jumped up and down, pulling at his dad's hand in anticipation. "Hurry up, daddy! Hurry up!"

"Geez, I'm coming," Austin squinted as Alex led him down the stairs and into the kitchen. He ruffled his still-messy hair and threw open the pantry door. "You want some cereal?"


Austin groaned. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm tired of pancakes. We've had them twice in the past week."

"Pancakes!" Alex shouted again. Austin shook his head.

"Nah, I don't feel like making them right now. Let's just have some cereal, okay bud?" Alex stuck out his lower lip and hung his head.

"Otay, daddy."

"Please don't give me that face. You know I can't say no to that face..." Alex lifted his head and tilted it to the side.


Austin groaned again, throwing his head back.

"Okay, fine. I'll make some pancakes. Just don't tell mom."

"And what, exactly, are we not telling mom?" Austin let out a yelp of surprise when Ally spoke up from the doorway to the basement. He jumped back and put a hand on his chest.

"Als, you scared me!"

Ally smirked. "Good." She walked over to where Austin had taken out the box of pancake mix. "Austin, I thought I told you no more pancakes this week. You and Alex are going to eat us out of house and home...well, at least with pancakes."

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