Nine: Bus Troubles & The Big Apple

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When Austin woke up the next morning, he reached over and found that Ally wasn't there. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.


When there was no response, he jumped out of bed and knocked on the door to Ally and Trish's room, figuring she went back over to her room to get ready. Trish's voice yelled, "Come in!" from the other side and he turned the doorknob. Trish greeted him and went towards the bathroom, curling iron in hand, and when he didn't see Ally in either of the beds he furrowed his eyebrows. "Yo, Trish, where'd Ally go?"

"Down to breakfast," she responded. "She told me to tell you to meet her there at 9:30."

Austin looked at the clock and his eyes widened. "Trish, it's almost 10:15!" He heard her mutter a half-hearted "Oh, well," as he hurried back to his room, threw some clothes on, combed his hair, and rushed downstairs. He found Ally sitting at a table for two, cutting her French toast. Austin planted a quick kiss on her cheek before grabbing a stack of pancakes and sitting back down.

"Hey, Als, sorry I'm late. Trish forgot to wake me up."

Ally cracked a smile. "Als?"

"Yeah, I thought it sounded cute. If you don't want me to use that nickname, I won't, but..."

She put her hand on top of his. "I love it."

Austin sighed in relief and started pouring the syrup on his pancakes. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I was thinking about yesterday and how you sang that song during soundcheck, and about the conversation we had.

"Ally, you don't have to. I shouldn't have expected you to automatically be in the same place as me when we were at the Helen Show. I wasn't understanding of your feelings, and I was being selfish"— Ally interrupted his babbling by learning over, kissing him softly and deeply. When they let go, Austin exhaled shakily. "Woaah..."

Ally smirked. "I still got it."

"Yeah, you do!" Austin said, and both broke out into laughter.

"No, but seriously, I think I might've overreacted during our fight. Yes, we need to have a conversation about it at some point, no we're not in the same place emotionally. But that's okay. And I know that you had good intentions," Ally smiled. "I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me."

Austin gripped her hand. "Absolutely." He picked up his fork and knife, and added, "Now onto the more important matter at hand: Pancakes!"

Ally rolled her eyes and grinned at her boyfriend's childlike innocence. "Whatever floats your boat, Austin."


ten days later

After Austin and Ally's second show in Philadelphia, the tour bus took off for New York City. Despite leaving the stadium at 11:00 P.M. and wanting to do nothing but fall into their bunks and go to sleep, Trish insisted that they had to write out an itinerary so they could make the most of their one free day in New York City. Exhausted, fatigued, and a little hungry, the gang stumbled onto the bus and sat down at the table.

Austin yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time since the show ended. "I'm tired," he whined. "Why can't we just go to bed?"

Ally planted herself in the seat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes barely open. "Yeah, Trish, why can't this wait until morning?"

"Because... it just can't," Trish responded. "C'mon, guys, wake up! We've got things to do! Just because it's past your normal bedtime, doesn't mean you have to be party poopers!"

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