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War is our weakness

It eats us from the inside

Making us bitter and emotionless

As the light dims in our eyes

Using weapons of mass destruction

Becoming addicted, claiming you love them

Marching onto unknown lands

Just because you think you can

How can you even stand?

To live with that blood on your hands

Silent screams trapped in stone

Making them feel completely alone

Why are there so many cameras?

Recording how we've lost our manners

Maybe the battle we should fight

Is gaining back our light

Even when we sleep at night

Promise to never lose sight

Of the problem that is growing

All the hate is overflowing

The real problem is knowing

Yet, no one is going

Going near what they fear

Lost in a useless cheer

Of small things they hold dear

But it has become clear

The world can never change

With love so out of range

Our feelings being out of touch

Close to nothing or too much

There's never really a balance

Guess that's part of the challenge

Tell me what to do

As my heart breaks in two

With everything I know

But only ignorance to show

How can we move on?

When anger is so strong

Always had to find something wrong

Can't even truly get along

Humans get lost in their sins

Doesn't mean there's no good within

Envy always grasps at the throat

Find a way to stay afloat

We all have a bit of greed

About things that we don't need

Yet, forget that we must feed

Those who cry and bleed

For someone to be their hero

But our account says 0.00

So, we just forget again

How we should help them

Feeling useless without a tree

That pays for everything

Our hearts mend for the moment

But they still live in commotion

They are still trying to heal

While we prepare for our next meal

Tears fall from our eyes

Destruction hovers over their sky

Their reality is our nightmare

Yet, we know the world isn't fair

What does it even mean?

When a chosen group can't be seen

The lies don't fool anyone

Stop this now, you've had your fun

It's time for peace, not war

Nothing to really fight for

Your own species turned against you

Even when they don't intend to

Like looking through a glass prison

No real effect, on your vision

We all know what's going on

Reading about it, hearing a song

We all know that it's wrong

Yet, it continues to go on

We seem to act like fools

Pretending to keep our cool

Although the knots in our stomach

Are constantly aching from it

Convinced feelings make us weak

And that we've reached our peak

Suddenly affection has limits

Never get too lost in it

Don't show too much of anything

Pain is all it will bring

These thoughts are sickening

When being heartless is a thing

That we look to for direction

It's a spreading infection

When having feelings is a pest

Self esteem always put to test

Even though you're trying your best

No one cares about the rest

Most want that shallow light

That isn't truly bright

But they want what they see

We're all shallow to some degree

The reality is hard to face

When you feel there isn't space

Stuck in competition or a race

But never winning first place

These distractions are consuming

Idea of love becomes amusing

Yet, this all seems confusing

Our mind is not worth abusing

Not much left to say

Only hope for a better day

Superficial thoughts out of the way

Skies brighten, no more gray

Realizing emotions make us strong

They help us truly belong

Choose right from wrong

They help us get along

So, stop praising bitter hearts

Always tearing others apart

It can be felt beneath the skin

Real change comes from within

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