Finally Out

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Cole Thompson

"Better stay out of trouble Thompson! Don't wanna see your ass in here again"

Officer Jimenez says putting on his glasses as I rolled my eyes while walking out of the place I called home for the past 6 years.


I turned towards the prison parking lot seeing my family waiting for me in front of her car. Well, my family meaning only my mother since my father always reminded me that he would never step foot here to see how much of a disgrace his son was.

"Where's Cindy?" I ask after she pulled me into her tight embrace.

"She's at work right now but come on, let's get you back home where you belong" My mother says running her hand through my dark brown hair looking at it with a raised brow.

"The faster we go home, the faster you can take a shower and change the way you look like you just came from the city dump" She says looking down at my clothes before pushing me inside her car.

"After all these years, my little boy has finally been released from that hellhole"

She says excitedly glancing back at me while keeping her eyes on the road.

"So much has happened these past six years and I can't wait for you to see Cindy as well. The last time you saw her, she was like a little baby at the age of twelve. And now she's graduated from high school and heading into college with her childhood best friend. You remember my friend Patty? The one that lives next door to us since we first moved here when you were just beginning preschool?"

She gasps while patting my shoulder as I nodded thinking about the woman that would always come over to our house when I was younger with her daughter who was the same age as my little sister.

"Turns out her daughter, Jezzabelle, was accepted into the same college as Cindy, and they're both going to be headed into college together. Isn't that cute? Those two balls of sunshine's were always together and could never separate. They're the most adorable pair of cuties I've ever seen grow up into beautiful young women"

I thought back to the girl she was talking about so happily. Little JJ was what my cousins used to call her. Little Jezzabelle Johnson. She was a shy little girl that used to blush every time me and my older male cousins used to go swimming shirtless at our family barbecues my mom always forced everyone to go to in the neighborhood.

There wasn't much I remembered about her besides the fact that my sister and her would always be together since they first met. My sister would keep her away from me and my cousins teasing and pranking ways.

Her mother was a sweet and nice woman that treated me and my little sister like her own but her father on the other hand was a man that used to scare me and my cousins from even passing by their front lawn.

I remember my mother saying that Patty was a mixture of French and Hawaiian while her husband was a mixture of Samoan and Puerto Rican.

Though, if you saw him in person, his Samoan side was what took over his looks more and that's what scared people when they saw him in our neighborhood.

He was at least 6 feet and 10 inches tall, the last time I saw him with muscles on every part of his body. His body was filled with so much ink, and he had a scar across his eye that made his scary demeanor even more horrifying.

Jezzabelle on the other hand, although she took her fathers tan skin and dark black hair, I remember she had her mother's hazel eyes. Her mother used to dress her up with cute pigtails and pink clothes all the time she came over to our house. That was all I could remember of Little JJ. I wonder how she looked like now.

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