Starting Off

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Jezzabelle Johnson

"Wait" I say pulling back from Cole as he looked down at me with a raised brow.

"Already denying your feelings for me JJ?" He asks back while pulling me closer trying to plant another kiss only for me to place my hand on his lips.

"As much as I'd like to rip your clothes off and see how much you've changed in 6 years, there's a lot of reasons why we can't do this" I reply making him roll his eyes.

"I honestly don't get why your with the dude when I noticed you barely look interested in him when he's around" He scoffs while talking about Leo.

"I can't just dump the guy, he's been a part of my life for a while now and plus the last time we broke up he wouldn't stop crying and begging me to take him back. He's not a bad person, honestly he can do way better than me, but I can't deny how much he means to me" I reply as Cole stares back at me with a clenched jaw.

"If you're gonna kiss me then brag about how much you're into another guy then maybe you are right. Maybe we shouldn't do this" He says trying to push me off him only for me to slap his his hands off me.

"I'm not saying I don't wanna do this"

"Then break up with him. I don't like to share"

"He's not the only reason why I don't think this is gonna work out, dumbass!"

"Then what's the problem?!"

"Your sister! Have you forgotten the whole reason why I can't date you and all your other cousins that have tried to ask me out!"

"First of all, tell me who are all my cousins that have asked you out. And second of all, what my sister doesn't know isn't gonna hurt her"

"So what? If we don't tell her, I'm gonna be your secret side chick while you bring other chicks in front of her?!" I snap back making him laugh before planting a kiss on my nose.

"I never said anything about bringing other girls around, but I do like this possessive side of yours" He says while trying to kiss my lips only for me to push his face back while rolling my eyes.

"Possessive? Let's not mention you trying to run out of the house earlier because you thought I slept with Jax" I retort back making him roll his eyes.

"That's cuz I can't stand you being with someone other than me, especially one of my own family members" he says running his hands up my torso as I moved them off by intertwining our hands together.

"I promised your sister that I would never get involved with anyone she was related to, remember?"

I say referring to the pact me and Cindy made when we were kids after she came crying to me about how she found out a few girls in our class were only using her to get a chance at dating her cousins Jack and Julian. Which wasn't the first time, considering a lot of girls we went to school with tried to befriend her for her so called 'hot cousins' who were popular in school.

"How about this, you can continue to date your little boy toy and act like everything's normal in front of Cindy. While behind closed doors, you and me find out how far this little temptation we have between us is gonna go" He says now leaning up to plant gentle kisses on my neck while sliding his hands up my shirt, instantly making me melt.

"But what if-" before I could question his thoughts, his large hands moved down to give a tight squeeze on my sweat pants covered ass.

"Don't overthink, just go with the flow" He whispers into my ear before suddenly flipping us over so he was now on top of me.

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