Sneaking Around

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Cole Thompson

Although me and little JJ agreed that she should still be in her relationship with the meat head from the football team in order for our little taboo relationship to be kept secret, I was still pretty pissed at everything he did to her in the public eye.

It was hard enough that I couldn't be all over her as much as I craved to be, now the asshole is somehow starting to do every fucking type of PDA in the world in front of me.

The early morning after our secret night of the best sex I've had since I could even remember, she snuck out of my bedroom so that she could go back in to her bedroom which was right across from my bedroom window. It was obviously one of the greatest perks of being neighbors with her.

Then when it was time for her to come back to my house a few hours later, she had breakfast with Cindy like it was their normal routine every morning to do before my sister drove them both to school.

The whole time she was eating breakfast at the kitchen counter, her hazel eyes kept meeting mine and I smirked at how red her cheeks turned every time our eyes met.

My sister was to busy ranting about something with her boyfriend and my mom was to concerned about whether or not my father was gonna call her phone or not. It was as if me and Jezzabelle were silently flirting with each other right in front of them but they were to stuck in their own little worlds to notice.

Little did I know the minute we got to school, we both had to go back to acting as if we didn't just fuck each other's brains out less than 24 hours ago.

She stayed glued to Cindy's side the whole school day and I had to watch her from afar. I'm not complaining about watching her, I can do that all day with no doubt. It was watching her be with someone else that made me irritated all day.

My cousins kept trying to talk to me and get my attention but I was to busy glaring at the idiotic male standing beside Jezzabelle throughout the whole school day. His hands were all over her which I guess was pretty normal since she didn't bat an eye towards him while he was straight out groping her and leaving kisses all around her neck and face making me cringe.

I knew after last night she had to use some make up to cover up her neck and chest considering how marked up she was after I was done with her. And now this asshole seems to be trying to do the same which made me angrier by the second.

"Thompson!" A familiar voice shouts making me turn to the bleachers where the football coach was calling me.

"What's up coach?"

"Just wanted to give you a heads up about the end of next week. As you know already this week was just try outs. But next week we will be choosing who makes the team and who doesn't. Although you have joined my team with a lot of recommendations from a lot of the people I work with, considering how we all know who your parents are-"

"Coach, if you wanna kick me off the team then it's okay. I honestly don't care what my parents say"

"Oh god no! I'm not trying to say you're not getting on the team. I was actually going to tell you that although your parents are making a lot of effort to get you in with or without my opinion, I actually do think you deserve to be on the team. Who knows? You might even be the captain if you continue to play with the way you do"

"Captain? I thought there was already a senior with that position?"

"Exactly. He graduates this year meaning we'll be needing a new one. And maybe you might be the one filling that spot"

He gives me a thumbs up before walking off towards the rest of the other football players stretching on the field. After spotting the meathead I hate so much stretching along with them, I turned back to the view across the field.

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