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Jezzabelle Johnson

"I saw you talking to that new kid that the Thompson cousins were hanging out with, do you have like a thing with him or something?" A familiar shrilly voice asks from behind me while I was waiting for Cindy outside of the locker room after school.

"What about it?" I ask while continuing to watch random tiktok videos about organizing stuff at home.

"Do you think you ca-"

Before the annoying red head in front of me could finish whatever little scheme she was trying to get me to do for her, my best friend managed to save me from another boring conversation in my life.

"Instead of trying to open your legs for another new new guy at the school at least try to make sure your OBGYN appointment clears your HIV infection first, Jennie" Cindy replies for me as I snort at her words.

The red headed cheerleader scoffs before walking away as Cindy pulls me out towards the football field where they were having cheer try outs.

Cindy left me on the bleachers as she headed towards the rest of the cheerleaders practicing for try outs. I've waited a million times before for her to be done with cheer practice during high school so I did what I normally did, go on my phone.

"Watching organizing TikTok videos again?" A familiar deep voice asks as I smirked.

"Of course you would know what I'm watching, stalker" I reply while looking up to see the football players jogging around the football field.

The only football player that wasn't jogging with them was the football coach's son in front of me.

"How is that my best friend managed to snag a chick like you? I didn't even know girls like you would go for a meat head like him?" Brad chuckles while sitting next to me as I looked at his best friend leading the rest of the football players on the track.

"I didn't know a meat head like him would have a sneaky best friend like you who tries so many times to shoot his shot at his girl" I answer back while rolling my eyes as he leans in closer to me with a grin.

"I mean, you gotta give in one of these days right?" He whispers into my ear as I cringed at his hot breath being so close to my skin.

"I'd suggest you go join your steroid injected friends before I kick your ass again" Another familiar voice says as I thankfully move away from the nervous football captain that was trying to hard to get with me.

"Jax! Hey! I was just-"

"Going back to the rest of your football buddies. Yeah that's what I thinking as well"

I laughed at the scared look on Brads face as he walked nervously around the large group of Cindy's cousins now joining me on the bleachers in front of the field where both the football players and cheerleading try outs were happening.

"It's like you attract the creepiest guys ever" Jack says sitting next to me with a large bag of hot Cheetos.

"That jackass is still trying to get with you? Even after seeing you and his best friend together throughout the past 5 years. That's not attracting creepy, that's attracting crazy" Brandon adds on while sitting in front of me with a large subway sandwich in his hands.

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