Happily Ever After

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Jezzabelle Johnson

One minute it was winter formal and the next minute it's already the end of our first full college school year as freshmens. Man, how the time flies by when you're having fun. Or if you were in my shoes, time flies by when you have a good man that loves you a hundred times more than you love yourself.

That's exactly how Cole loved me.

It's been 5 months already since we talked at the pier about his past and how he needed help with forgiving himself. And after talking with both his parents and the parents of the victims of his accident, we all decided it was best if Cole went through a couple of sessions of therapy to figure out his feelings and taking in as much help as he needed to mend his relationship with the victims parents.

I was shocked to find out the victims parents agreed to have some therapy sessions with Cole to also figure out how they were all going to move past this and ever since they did, it seemed like a huge weight was lifted off of Cole's shoulder.

Of course things can't all be fixed in a matter of a few therapy sessions, so Cole and I decided to do all we could for him to grow a relationship with the victims parents outside of therapy.

Cole was a big hearted man that felt guilty of taking away an innocent family's child, so we did all we could to help out the parents that missed out on having the young spirit of their child around their home.

The mother who we found out was named Charlotte while her husbands name was Frank, had a hobby of gardening which her son used to help her out with. So Cole helped her out with that after every therapy session.

Frank on the other hand had another hobby he did with his son as well, which was working on different types of wood crafts in his backyard. When I first suggested I could help him out with that, he laughed at my face and suggested that I shouldn't be getting my hands dirty at the job of a man.

As much as I wanted to punch the shit out of him because of that, I held back for the sake of my boyfriend trying to mend his relationship with them. And decided to show Frank exactly how much he was going to regret his words.

My father may have passed away when I was 15 but I still remembered every single thing he taught me about building things and working with the so called man tools Frank thought I was going to hurt myself with.

After I completed building the large wooden foldable dining table he had started but didn't finish making, I had to hold my laugh at the look of bewilderment on the elderly man's face.

That's how the past 5 months ended up passing by us so fast. Cole was having the time of his life with helping the victims family with everything they needed while also mending their relationships through therapy. And I was happily with him through the whole thing.

Not only did me and Cole's relationship strengthen throughout that time but our relationship with both Charlotte and Frank also grew into one a lovely friendship after we got through the tough part of their emotional roller coaster talking.

Let's not even get started on how my relationship with both Cole's parents and Cindy hashed out.

Cole's parents surprisingly took me back into their lives with open arms, while Cindy groveled at my feet every time I went over to their house.

On one hand I was enjoying watching her cry over me and her little shows of sobbing loudly while trying to say anything and everything she could to try to make me take her back as my best friend again, was pure enjoyment in my messed up mind.

The other hand in all that was telling me to let her know that I was finally letting go of her from my life. I love Cole and his family but I could never forgive her for how much pain and betrayal she caused me after I found out everything.

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