Winter Formal

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Cole Thompson

"You couldn't get literally anyone else to do this? Why did I have to be the only person doing this with you?!" Brandon groans out as I roll my eyes.

"Because you're the only one that knows about us, dumb ass! Now stop the whining and help me with the rest of the fucking boxes" I snapped back before going back to fixing my special surprise of the night.

Tonight was the night of our college winter formal. I didn't get why our college was so obsessed with so many fucking dance events but I couldn't care less since I was using one of them now to help me with my special night I was setting up for my special girl.

It's been weeks since that horrid night at the town hall and I didn't wanna force Jezzabelle into any relationship commitment with me so quickly after she just got out of her last one.

But I was dying with excitement for the day I finally get to ask her to be my official public girlfriend. All we have been doing the last four weeks were what we did many months before, which was hang out and have sex.

As much as that made me happy, I still wanted to have the honor of calling her my girlfriend everywhere we went.

I didn't like the way people in our town would stare at her out of pity since the night her stupid ex was exposed. I mean yeah it was a shitty thing to be cheated on but she was way stronger than what most people thought. People in our town gossiped way to much for their own needs and it was stupid how they thought she was heart broken and crying over him every night.

When in reality she was getting her back blown out every single night and it wasn't sad tears that fell from her eyes when we were sneaking into each other's bed rooms in the middle of the night for the past 4 weeks.

I knew the gossiping was getting to her sometimes when we hung out in public and people would smile at her like she was some sad charity case.

Which was why I decided to finally let the world know how I felt about the beautiful strong woman herself.

"Move the fucking sign towards the left!" I shout at Brandon who was rolling his eyes every 5 seconds.

"If you don't like the way it looks, why don't you get your ass up here and fix it!" He shouts back before jumping off the ladder and huffing at my smiling face.

"I'm just to excited to see how she's going to react when she sees all this" I reply with a dreamy sigh.

I knew Jezzabelle hated surprises but I wanted to do something big for our new beginning together. Not only were we finally going to be together publicly but I was finally going to tell her that I loved her.

Some may say that I was moving to fast but after spending the past 6 years behind bars made me want to take control of my life with no holding myself back. I'd rather live my life carelessly than waiting so long for something to fall into my own hands.

I love Jezzabelle Johnson and there was nothing holding me back anymore from telling her how I felt. Now that she was single and happily living life with me and my cousins by her side, I wanted nothing more than to shout from the top of the tallest building in the world about how much I was in love with this young woman.

I never expected to fall so in love with the sassy little female that used to be my sisters best friend, but when has anyone ever actually got what they've been expecting in life?

Somehow I had a feeling she knew I was getting close to saying the big L word for a while now, since I never hid my affection from her. She basically had to pry me off her every second of the day because of how much I wanted to stay beside her. I hated being away from her for to long and she knew way before she broke up with the asshole before, that I was a very possessive man.

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