Chapter One - Catharsis (1st Year)

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Halcyon: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful

1st - 7th year

Chapter One - Catharsis (1st Year)

September 1, 1971 

James Potter had seen many great things in his lifetime, but nothing compared to going through the platform. James had gone to visit Hogwarts more than he could count, but running through the platform for his first year at school was different.

Fleamont Potter clapped a sturdy hand on his son's shoulder, his eyes focused on the brick wall ahead of them. "Are you ready for the best years of your life, son?" James looked up at his father's eyes, which glistened with old memories. Mr. Potter had never been one to share many stories of his past, but the ones James had received had been full of joy, and James could not wait to experience that for himself.

"You remember what to do, my love?" James' mother smiled down at him with soft eyes. Earlier on, she spent her time making sure James had everything he needed before getting on the train. James could tell that she was sad to see her only child go, but he was ready. He knew that whatever Hogwarts had in store for him would change him for the better.

"Together on three," his dad smiled and his mother stood close to them. "One...Two..."

"THREE!" Eleven year old James yelled out before running through the platform without a second thought.

Tons of wizards and witches ran around the station. James could hear mothers calling out to their children, and old friends reuniting, talking about their summers. James stood with a wide grin on his face and took everything in.

It was apparent that James had not been listening to the conductor when his mom suddenly bent down in front of him. "Goodbye, my love," she reached out to flattened his hair and gave him a sad smile, "I know you will have an amazing time. Don't forget to write when you can, dear. You know your father and I will miss you immensely."

"Euphemia, please, he will never find a seat on the train if he doesn't leave soon."

Mrs. Potter clicked her tongue then stood up straight, "Oh, alright. Go on James and good luck."

James said his final goodbyes and I love yous before running straight for the train. He looked back towards his parents waving at him with big smiles on their faces. He ran a hand through his hair, making it chaotic again, and ran to find a free carriage.

Euphemia Potter looked at her son messing up his hair, and shook her head. "Fleamont, this child will be the death of me."

"But you love him," Fleamont said with a small laugh creasing his eyes.

Euphemia watched her son disappear, and looked at her husband lovingly, "But I love him," she repeated.


Back straight.

Eyes ahead.

No smiling.

Follow their steps.

He could feel his mother's scrutinizing eyes on the back of his neck, just waiting. Waiting for him to slip up like he always does.

His ears captured every sound, every yell, every conversation and his childish eyes craved to take a look but he couldn't.

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