Chapter Fourteen - Morois (2nd Year)

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Previously on Redamancy:

McGonagall just raised an eyebrow curiously and Sirius went to high five Peter, laughing. "That's right! ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL!"

The rest snickered and McGonagall tutted and shooed them out of the Great Hall and towards their detention, "Let's go, you lot." 

Chapter Fourteen - Morois (2nd Year)

November 1, 1972

James had never been one to fight.

His childhood was full of love and attention. Being an only kid had its perks, often those resulting in him getting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted them. He was not used to having to fight for stuff, and he sure as hell was not used to having to try his hardest to pull every single bit of attention.

Coming to Hogwarts had given him such a different perspective on how he was so fortunate to have a pair of loving parents, to have a home where he was welcomed and loved no matter what he did. But most importantly, it gave him a newfound sense of freedom and gifted him with three brothers. Meeting the boys had taught him a bit of what it was like to truly have siblings, although he was sure he had made friends way too fast, he did not regret it at all.

Every morning brought a new sense of uncertainty, he knew he was not going to wake up to his mother's loving voice yelling at him to wake up, or walk down to his father's silent presence in the lounge room. He woke up to the welcoming presence of his friends, who made each day different and quite exciting.

"James?" Peter's loud voice pulled him out of his thoughts, startling him. He turned towards him, Peter's wide and nervous gaze set on him.

"Oh! Right! Sorry," James muttered, apologetic. He moved one of the chess pieces that sat in front of him, earning a chuckle from the boy that sat close to the fireplace, a muggle book in his hands.

"Oh, look! It seems like James' head is not as empty as we thought." Remus' teasing tone was followed by a narrowed gaze from the latter.

"I was just thinking," the boy grumbled, crossing his arms in the process.

Sirius Black had no idea what Peter and Remus were laughing about, seeing the fact that he had just entered the common room.

"Blimey mate, I didn't know that was possible," Sirius barged into their conversation and gladly took the opportunity to tease the boy even further, earning a smack in the head from James.

"Oh Black, you're on." James glared at him, pouting like a child faking being overly upset. Black smirked and to his right, both Peter and Remus groaned loudly, followed by an exaggerated eye roll.

"Here they go again," muttered Remus, his eyes fixed on the muggle book in front of him while James and Sirius pounced at each other and landed on the floor, wrestling like children.

Peter just shook his head and laughed, having spent a year with the two had helped him get used to their childish shenanigans, compared to the people that sat a few meters from them, that now looked extremely worried and confused by the fight that was happening in front of them.

"Ridiculous," the bitter tone reached their ears, stopping their laughs instantly.

Both James and Sirius stopped wrestling, a deep frown settled in their features, almost identical. A few meters from where the group of boys sat, close to the window, sat Lily Evans and Severus Snape. The girl looked horrified, her mouth agape, whilst the boy had the nastiest look in his face accompanied by an evil grin, he had gained a reaction from them and to be quite honest, he was proud of that. James' ears caught Remus' silent whisper, he discarded his book and got up, his face looked completely at ease, as if what had just been said barely even fazed him.

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