Chapter Two - Elysian (1st Year)

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Previously on Redamancy:  

James grinned and held out his hand, "That sounds like a challenge to me."

Chapter Two - Elysian (1st Year)

Nearly an hour later, James found himself staring at the entrance of the Great Hall. This was it, this was the moment that he had been waiting for his entire life. From the instant his parents did their first spell around him to the time when he got the letter in his mail.

"First Years!" an older woman walked out before him with a small smile crossing her face. "Ah, yes. First years, we happen to be running a bit behind schedule, but I came here to give you a little knowledge about Hogwarts. As soon as you walk through those doors you will be called up and sorted into your houses. Those include: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Together these houses create the foundation to which Hogwarts was made on. With that, I will leave you with the Gryffindor Head Boy and Girl, whilst we get everything situated inside for you."

James grinned, looking around at everyone chatting. This was his new home. And the house he was sorted into would be his new family. He knew which house he wanted to be in. He had known since he was a child.


James looked over to see his new friend Sirius staring at him, "Black?" He raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you know what house you want to be sorted in?" Sirius asked. James could tell that he was nervous, and gave him a playful shrug back.

"Well you know, the hat chooses for you. We don't have much say in the matter..."

"Oh spit it out, Potter," Sirius said with a small smirk. They had barely known each other for a few hours and Sirius was already figuring him out.

"Gryffindor. It's always been Gryffindor for me," James said with a gleam of pride in his eyes.

Sirius made an approving noise and looked back at the entrance of Great Hall.

James studied him for a moment, "What about you?"

"Hm?" Sirius asked back.

James nodded between him and the doors, "What house do you want to be in?" Sirius became rigid in the moment.

James could hear the other kids' voices around them get louder and Sirius' get softer, "It doesn't matter."

"What do you–"

"Alright First Years," the voice from before boomed out as the doors opened for them, "it's time." The young witches and wizards moved forward quickly in awe of the hall.

"Let's hope I see you again, Potter," Sirius huffed out before moving ahead of him and towards the Sorting Hat. After a second, James moved forward.

What did he mean by that?

James stared at the back of the new kid's head, hoping he would turn around to talk to him, but Sirius only glanced forward. Never turning back.

The headmaster of the school gave a few words, before the ceremony began. James breathed in. This was it. The moment he had been waiting for since he was born. Kid's moved up one by one being sorted into houses.



"Hmmmm...a little tricky here," the hat paused over a small girl who glanced around the room and James' nerves spiked, "GRYFFINDOR."

The next person that went up was a scrawny boy who looked as nervous as James felt. The hat did not even touch his head before yelling out, "HUFFLEPUFF."

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