Chapter Ten - Ethereal (1st Year)

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Previously on Redamancy:

"Hm?" James asked, then seemed to remember what he was saying, "Oh! Our Remus doesn't know the most important thing."

Which is? Sirius tried to ask then sunk back into his chair, making his friends start laughing again.

After James composed himself he gave his friends a familiar smile, "That the best is yet to come."

Chapter Ten— Ethereal (1st Year)

Remus John Lupin had never been attracted to trouble.

His life was full of danger, hecticness, and uneasiness. Since the moment he saw the dark owl swoop by the window with a letter hanging between their claws, he had promised himself that he would try his absolute best to stay out of trouble for his and his parent's sake.

Now that he was sitting in the quietest side of the library with a sea of books stacked all around him, he wasn't so sure of how much he wanted to keep that promise.

"Baubillious..." His voice interrupted the peaceful silence that wrapped the warm and comforting room. His fingers slid through the brown pages of the charm book he had been skimming through, looking for the perfect charm that would help him.

He blinked, his eyes felt a bit droopy, the remaining effects of the last full moon still affecting his body. Remus kept looking through the book until he perked up, his eyes twinkling with mischief, his smile widening.

"Homunculus charm! I knew there was a charm that would work perfectly with this." He muttered to himself a bit too loudly, his voice attracting unwanted and curious stares. Ever since he had been hanging around his friends, especially James and Sirius, his presence attracted everyone's attention. He averted his gaze, a sudden feeling of shyness and awkwardness filling the space he was in.

Remus gathered his belongings the fastest way he could, slinged his leather satchel on his shoulder and paced towards the exit of the library, his face shining.

"Goodbye Mr. Lupin, see you tomorrow." His sensitive ears caught the librarian's soft and motherly voice. Remus' lanky form lingered and he diverted his eyes towards Mrs. Pince's side of the library. There were many piles of books surrounding her tall and skinny form, some books looked like their words were once loved and appreciated while others looked like they were ready to be in the hands of someone brave and smart enough to acquire the power of words.

"Goodbye Madam Pince!" Remus's cheery voice brought a smile to her face. Mrs. Pince waved and followed his tall form with her eyes until he crossed the big wooden doors.

All those who were aware of Lupin's situation could see how much his presence had brightened ever since he started hanging out with those three trouble makers.


It was Monday and the boys had awakened earlier than usual because of Remus' loud steps.

"Bloody hell Remus, be more quiet will you? Some of us really need our beauty sleep." James' voice sounded muffled, he had placed his pillow on top of his head, trying to drown out Remus' loud presence.

"Well Potter, I am quite glad that you're aware of your need for beauty sleep. You're not as handsome as you believe yourself to be." Remus' mocking tone drew out some laughs out of Peter, who had awakened because of Remus dropping one of his books.

Remus smirked to himself, his plan in motion and going exactly the way he had planned it to go. Apparently, he had grown to know his friends better than he was aware of. According to his plan, Sirius would be the next and last to wake up by either throwing a pillow at him or yelling at James for waking him up.

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