Ranch Versatility Clinic

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A couple of weeks ago, me and some other members of the Western team ( Bronwyn, Aleah, and Simone) went to a Ranch Versatility clinic with the 2019 state champion, Sarah Clifford.

I had to wake up at 4:30 AM so that i could get to Bronwyn's house on time ( we were carpooling) which is way to early to act like a properly functioning human being.

We had already loaded our stuff/tack the night before, so we just loaded our horses ( and Pinto put up a big fight) and crammed in the back of Michelle's truck.

We started off the day with how we start any clinic, with a trip to Starbucks.

When we arrived at the trail and saddle club where the clinic was being held most of the other participants had already arrived. Once we were mounted Sarah gave us a run through of what we were going to do that day and introduced us to the other clinicians.

There were a bunch of different people there, ranging from ages 7- 18. We were split into two groups based on ability, i was with Bronwyn in one group and Simone and Aleah were in the other.

I don't think that i said this already, but i was riding Pinto, the mighty bitch queen. Simone was riding JLo, a professionally trained cutting horse. Aleah was riding Henry, the rescue horse that Michelle trained and worked with for ever a year. Bronwyn was riding Tad( short for tadpole), the horse that was born and raised at PVHC.

Overall, the day was really fun, we practiced Ranch Riding and Ranch Reining in the morning with one of Sarah's friends. Then we switched with the other group and worked on cutting and following the flag with Sarah. Pinto was scared to death of the mechanical flag and she almost ran Sarah and her horse over with her weird bucky-rearing-hoppy things.

In the afternoon we practiced a trail course and cattle boxing. Even though it was Pinto's first time doing any sort of cutting and boxing, she did pretty well despite the whole temper tantrum thing.

Me and Bronwyn finished before Aleah and Simone, so we went on a quick trail ride that i decided to go bareback for. When we were about halfway through the trail we hear Michelle yelling that they had awards for us, so we had to rush back.

If you don't know already, cantering bareback is kinda hard, especially when your going up steep hills. We got back just in time and they gave both me and Bronwyn ropes/lassos for participation in the clinic.

The clinic was really fun and i hope that we get to go to more ranch versatility clinics once Sarah brings her cows back.

The clinic was really fun and i hope that we get to go to more ranch versatility clinics once Sarah brings her cows back

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