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"I just need you to trust me, believe me. I won't lie to you, you've helped me a lot. I don't know who told you that lie, but one thing I know for sure is that I am being framed" I somehow managed to meet Ethan in a restaurant under the excuse of going to my hometown to get the best ingredients. I somehow got to slip from my bodyguard's watch and here I am trying to make him believe me, if he does, I would relax and play the game.

"You said you're framed? We saw your face in the CCTV camera and you still claim to be innocent. We both know that that ain't a Photoshop, you were the one there" Ethan retorted.

"Please, we aren't here to talk about that! Instead concentrate on you and your family's life not getting ruined." I said.

"Are you with me or not?. I'm not meant to be dead worried about this, yunno." I said shrugging.
"But there are two life in this saga that are very important to me; Wesson and Aella. I am so stressed about this because of them. IN OR OUT?"

"I'm in" he said before taking a sip from his coffee.

"It would be far better if you go back, pretend like you got lost or kidnapped. It might help us get more information." Ethan advised.

Yeah, I think that is better.

I washed my makeup off my face, wore a simple T-shirt and jeans with flipflop. I walked like someone who hasn't eaten for a long time. Its being three days, I left. I pray my plan works.

As I entered, the bodyguards went to announce my arrival to Cheadle while the female helps came to take me to my room. As I was going upstairs, Cheadle came running down. What he said caught me off guard;
"I thought I lost you" as he kissed me on the forehead.

After explaining how I got lost and almost kidnapped, he wanted to fire the bodyguards who I was in their care. After series of pleading he finally allowed them to stay, on trial.


"Is everything set?" I asked again.
"Woah, chill Wini. Everything would go as we planned." Ethan said to ease the tension.

I tried very hard to behave normal, smile and welcome guest. Normally, I'm meant to be worried about how my behavior wouldn't be obvious that I don't belong here or show that I am not from a rich background. But now I am used to it, besides I have a bigger task now.

My eyes locked with Wesson's and I could immediately see anger rage in them. He harshly pulled me to a restroom and locked us inside. The music played outside was very loud so I don't think people would hear us.

"What are you doing in my party?, a party to celebrate my success" He said as he dropped my hand fiercely.

"I'm an invited guest, VIP to be precise. Why are you saying your success like I am not your backbone? Let me make you surprised, do you know why Cheadle is working his way back to top? No. It's all because I'm working for him" I said as I rubbed my hurt wrist.

Wesson took in a sharp breath.

"We have planned to make you pay" I said to him.


"That I can't tell"

"Wini, please-" I cut him of by placing my finger on his lips.

"Next time, think twice before making a decision"

Hey Wattbuddies! Sorry for the short chapter, next chapter is gonna be fabulous!!
Can't wait!

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