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"Take this file and put the details about each recipe. Then go to to the director office and submit, He would take you to a room and make sure you command them to do everything the way you want it. Remember you are their superior" Wesson said in one breath. I collected the file from him and watched as He left my office.

My office is bigger than my whole café, coloured in White and decorations in dark ash, that's grey. I think.

The flowers, trees and tea mug picture posters are very beautiful. A part of my office has chairs with a centre carpet with a table on it like a sitting room.

There are bodyguards at the front of my door in all black and my Personal assistant's office next to mine to make contact easier.

I remembered I've got a lot to do as I opened the file.
The list of the tea is unending. I know about all the recipe but I don't have enough money to make it, that is why it isn't on our menu.
The list consist of;

•Oolong tea
•White tea
•Pu'erh tea
•Yellow tea
•Fermented tea
•Black tea
•Green tea
•Chamomile tea

I opened to the page of coffee and my mouth was left ajar, I really have a lot to do!

•Arabica Coffee
•Robusta Coffee
•Black Coffee
•Latte Coffee
•Flat white Coffee
•Red eye
•Black eye Coffee
•Irish Coffee
•Shakerato Coffee

The list is unending, I kept opening and opening pages. Oh Lord, Help me.
Taking a deep breath, I took a blue pen and started work.

The telecom on my table rang and I answer it.

"Good afternoon Ma, the boss said you should come to the fifth floor for an important meeting. Your personal assistant would be there soon to lead you. Thank you."
With that she closed the conversation.

Immediately there was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said to Esma my personal assistant which She did immediately.

"I'm here to take you to the meeting room" Esma said with a professional smile, looks so fake and stressful to me though.

We were in the elevator when a notification came into my phone, the one Aella recently gave to me. It was a message from an unknown number.

Be as professional as possible. Goodluck.

I don't know who this is and how the person got my number but I did a wild guessing and assumed it was Wesson.

(A/N: I know little or nothing about official stuffs so keep your hate comments and criticism to your beloved self :)

Wesson kept sliding through different pages on the files in his hand.
The picture of a water boiler only that it was really big.

"Wait!" I said earning the attention of everyone in the large meeting hall.
"If this is the setting of the water heater then you have been doing it wrong.

I knew something was missing when I tasted the Arabica coffee," I hadn't finish my sentence when Delilah, the general manager of the Coffee department said, sorry she's the 'ex' manager now "Go straight to the point and keep the criticism to yourself. Stop behaving like you know best!".

I was still thinking of the best way to reply Her when Wesson banged his hand on the table.

"She is your superior, she can get you fired without getting query". Wesson said as He pointed at her.

Everyone's breath was stuck in their throats.
"Meet me in my office Immediately after this meeting" Wesson said calming his self down and thereby easing the atmosphere.

"Ms. Wells go on with what you where saying". A coworker of mine said.

"Using a normal heater would make the oxygen in the water evaporate. It would be better if we use a kettle, the oxygen in it would be at intact thereby making it creamer.
And I noticed that your Shakerato Coffee Recipe states;
Very cold water and Espresso. It's very wrong!
It's meant to be Ice cube and Espresso.

In the Red eye recipe, it should contain more Drip-brew than the Espresso.

"I would be rewriting the Recipe book and I should be through by Tomorrow morning latest. There shouldn't be any tea prepared without my presence tomorrow morning.
Is that clear?"

I am quite impressed with my self, I spoke with a confidence I'm not used to.

I am adapting quite fast.

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