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Herobrine wasn't sure whether it was the raging storm outside that woke him up or the feeling of something missing. When he opened his eyes, he reasoned it must've been both. (Y/N)'s side of the bed was empty, save for (D/N) kicking in his sleep.  An emphatic boom of thunder rumbled overhead.

Glass shattered downstairs, followed shortly by whispered cursing.

A bubble of panic rose in Herobrine's chest, but he bit it back. He slipped out from under the bedsheets, and carefully made his way downstairs.

"(Y/N)?" He called softly upon seeing light in the kitchen.

No reply.

Herobrine peeked through the kitchen doorway, seeing (Y/N) crouched down, picking up the shards of glass with shaky hands. He walked over to them, stooping down to help clean up the glass.

"Couldn't sleep?" Herobrine pressed gently.

(Y/N) shook their head; in the candlelight, he could see the wetness on their cheeks. "I'm not as good with thunderstorms as I used to be - not since..."

Another flash of lightning and rumble of thunder passed. (Y/N) flinched. They hissed quietly, dropping the piece of glass in their hand, one of its edges gleaming red with blood.

Herobrine stood up quickly, dropping the glass he held onto the worktop and crossed the room to fetch a cloth. (Y/N) was already on their feet when he turned back, their shards of glass on the table, too.

(Y/N) took a seat at the table, and Herobrine sat down facing them. He held their outstretched hand, pressing the fabric to the cut on their palm.

"Sorry if I woke you," they said quietly.

"Don't be sorry - it's not your fault." He added with a cheeky smile, "Besides, you never apologise when you wake me up with your snoring."

The corners of (Y/N)'s mouth curled upwards at that, and they scoffed. "I do not snore."

A relieving calmness warmed Herobrine as he continued the banter, making (Y/N) smile more until a giggle bubbled up.

"(Y/N), we've been together for almost three years now - trust me when I say you snore like an avalanche."

They both laughed some more, sitting together in a comfortable silence for a little while. Herobrine must've been gazing into (Y/N)'s eyes for a bit too long, because they hummed softly and said:


"Hm?" Herobrine blinked, straightening up.

"What're you thinking? You're making that face again - the one you do when you're about to say something sappy."

"It's nothing," he said, feeling his cheeks get warm.

Really, it wasn't nothing. He was thinking about the small wooden box upstairs, tucked away in his bedside table. He thought about the ring inside it. He thought for the millionth time how he was going to ask. He was even thinking about grabbing that little ring box and popping the question right here and now.

But tomorrow marked three years since they officially declared themselves a couple (about a month after they kissed under the light of the sunset). Tomorrow would be the best time.

And tomorrow was.

Author's note:

Sometime around November 2019 I was struck with the sudden motivation to write, but I didn't have inspiration. Soon enough I thought "Why not try writing a fanfic drabble?"

So I did. Soon, a drabble became a chapter in my drafts, and one chapter became two.

On the 9th of February 2020, my finger hovered over the "Publish" button, unsure if I should. I had no expectations for recognition here, after all of my other flopped attempts at writing on Wattpad over the years.

Today, on the 14th of January 2021, I finish typing this epilogue with a lump in my throat. Pride swells in my chest knowing that I have finally completed a project, and made wonderful friends along the way.

I cannot thank you all enough for the love and support you've shown me throughout this journey. This has been my first long-term project, and the first story that I have fully completed - and I have all of you to thank for it. Whenever I felt like giving up on this, when it all seemed overwhelming, you all showed how much you love this book - that was always more than enough to get me going again.

Although this story is over, there's more adventure to come! I've got the next fic in the works, but until I get to publishing that I have a oneshots book where you guys can make requests!

An especially huge thanks to CrumbleMuffin who is the reason why this book even got finished. You have been an inspiration to me through this.

As per previously requested, the Meet the Author chapter will be out just after this one, so hopefully I'll see you guys there!

One final thing: tomorrow, I'm going to go back through this book to fix the smaller spelling and grammatical errors

Herobrine X Reader - Love's Wither Rose (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now