21 - ...Join 'Em

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Sorry this one's a bit late! School work suuuuccckkksssss.

But more importantly: CrumbleMuffin has saved my ass in writing this chapter yet again! Honestly I don't know where this fic would be if it weren't for you, mate!


"How you holdin' up?" Johnny came up behind me, handing me a blaze rod. "Blazes are pretty tough, huh?"

I took the rod, stuffing it into my bag and flashing him a grin. "Not as tough as us though."

I began walking back along the open bridge of the Nether fortress. Johnny trotted along beside me.

"For once, I'm bein' serious. We've already burned through two sets of weapons just to get the materials we have." He held up his stone axe, which was all but holding together. "How're we meant to do anythin' in the End?"

"Frankly," I said. "It'll be easier there: the dragon's long dead and as long as we don't look any endermen in the eye, we'll be fine. Shulkers aren't a huge problem if you don't get hit."

"What happens if you get hit?"

"You float. After a few seconds, you fall. Makes fighting a pain in the ass, and if you end up over the void when you fall..."

"You die for good," Johnny finished quietly.

I nodded. "That's what's supposed to happen, anyways. I think. Honestly, after seeing Alden alive I'm not sure anymore."

"Hey," Johnny said softly, laying a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. It's probably safest to assume a worst-case anyways - what better way to stay alive, am I right? Aside from just not dying."

As we chuckled, the hairs on the back of my neck rose. I vaguely caught sight of fire in the corner of my vision. I twisted round on instinct, swinging my stone sword in an arc overhead.

It crumbled to little more than dust as it struck a netherite sword.

"Being prepared helps too." Herobrine lowered the sword, offering a meek smile.

"The hell do you want now?" I groaned. "If you're here to talk us out of going, you may as well save us both time and energy and get lost."

"I thought you'd say that," he muttered, shifting a sack off his shoulder and dropping it on the ground. It clattered. Opening it, he pulled out a second netherite sword and an axe (also netherite). "So I figured I'd tag along."

Herobrine held out the weapons to Johnny and I, which we slowly took. I kept the sword and handed Johnny the axe.

"You were certainly quick to change your mind," I stated. "Why?"

"I...had some reflection."

"So, that's all you're gonna say?" Johnny's lip curled into a sneer as he took a step forward. "You think you can be crowned the King o' Dicks and then waltz back like everythin's fine and sayin' you had some reflection? That's beyond shallow. Even for someone like you."

"That's not -"

"Would you two just quit it?" I stepped between them, then turned to face Herobrine. "I've got nothing against you changing your mind and joining, but if you want to regain my trust? Earn it. Prove to me that you have changed."

I turned to Johnny. "I wanna talk to you - in private."

Herobrine remained on the bridge as I lead Johnny into one of the tunnels. We had cleared this part out on the way in, so I knew there weren't any mobs here.

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