24 - Homeward Bound

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Hey guys! Happy New Year, andI hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Sorry that break went on for so long, writer's block is an absolute bitch.

To make up for it (and the fact that this chapter is a bit shorter than the last couple), I've put some fic-relevant drawings I did while I was off, and there's also a little favour I have to ask of you guys (but more on that after the chapter)!


Herobrine stared wide-eyed at the crater. The wind and rain had died down after the explosion, leaving the petals of the two wither roses swaying gently in the breeze. There was no sign of (Y/N), aside from their sword that lay half-buried in the smouldering rubble.

No sign of Entity, either. Nothing.

"Shit..." Johnny muttered as he joined Herobrine at the crater's edge.

"We should head down, see if we find anything."

The dragon was already snuffling around in the wreckage, occasionally halting to paw at the rocks before moving on again, its tail flicking anxiously.

"Are you kiddin'? Look at it! There's no way anythin' could've survived in that blast zone."

His heart leapt into his throat, threatening to choke him to death if the tears didn't do it first. Johnny was right, Herobrine knew, but some part of him wasn't ready to give up yet. He slid down the inner wall of the crater, stumbling on the lose debris as he landed.

The dragon casually nudged away a boulder, immediately flinching back and prancing like a startled mare. The sunlight caught the edge of the command block, and in the time it took Herobrine to blink at the glare, a dark mist dispersed beside him.

Entity stumbled over the rocks, red eyes wide. He spied the command block, and took a step towards it without so much as a word, but he hesitated when the dragon snarled at him, crouching down on its forelimbs and spreading its firey wings.

"Entity." Herobrine fought to keep his voice steady. "Where's (Y/N)?"

Entity snapped back, "I was about to teleport them out!"

"Then where are they?"

"They jumped out of the way just before I left, I couldn't get them out! They're dead."

"Bullshit." Johnny strode up to them, axe raised defensively. "Maybe try usin' your head before you start spinnin' tales." He gestured over towards the command block.

There was a faint movement in the rubble beside the block. A (S/C) hand appeared and began shifting aside some debris, then a head popped up.

"(Y/N)?" Herobrine muttered, feeling his legs carry him towards the hand. He took their arm as he helped them out of the crevice.

(Y/N). Alive. Bruised, scratched, coated in dust - but alive.


"You know it'll take more than that to keep me down," (Y/N) smiled.

Herobrine fished out the words from his throat. "(Y/N), I -"

"Hold that thought," they said quickly, placing their hand on his shoulder. "There's something I've got to do first."

Their eyes broke away from Herobrine's to focus on the command block, before picking it up. The dragon shuffled uncertainly to the side as (Y/N) approached Entity. Their whole aura seemed to flip in an instant, going from their usual upbeat nature to something more akin to a shard of ice, ready to be impaled through someone's throat.

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