5 - Birthday Cake

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I'm not sure of it was the sunlight pouring through the window that woke me up, or (D/N) leaping around on the bed. Either way, I could already tell there'd be paw-shaped bruises on my torso and legs by tonight. I nudged him away, grumbling as I closed my eyes and rolled over to the other side.

I heard the door click open, and Herobrine chuckled.

"Not up yet? Yeesh, you sleep like a corpse."

"The dead request five more minutes."

"Okay, zombie - breakfast is almost done."

I threw a pillow over my face, rolling onto my back, only to throw that pillow off and sit up. "Well that's dangerous. What're you making?" I yawned.

"You'll just have to come and see, won't you?" He smiled and left the room.

How dare he know how to get me out of bed.

I grumbled some more, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stood up and stretched my arms over my head as I groggily made my way down the stairs. Herobrine stood in the kitchen, fussing about with the furnace - I couldn't see what he was doing exactly. I poked him gently between his shoulder blades as I passed.

"Glad to see you're up," he said.

"Glad to see that my kitchen hasn't been reduced to a mini Nether like it was last time," I replied, giggling.

"That was one time, (Y/N)."

"Two, actually."

Neither of us said anything else as I opened the door that lead from the kitchen to the garden. I stepped outside into the warm sunshine, and picked up a few tools from the chest by the door.

"Working already?" Herobrine came up behind me.

"Just a little maintenance."

"Alright. Breakfast won't be long - I'll come fetch you when it's done."

"Or when you've burned down the kitchen," I laughed. Herobrine gave me a playful shove and disappeared back inside the house.

I shook my head, still smiling to myself, and began walking down to the wheat field at the bottom of the hill. On the way, I passed the bee's nests in their trees and stood to watch for a moment as the fluffy bees themselves crawled out and flew off to the nearest flower patches.

I reached the yellow patch and pulled out my hoe, setting to work on expanding the field. I wasn't working long before Herobrine came sauntering down the path to fetch me.

"I thought you said you'd just be doing a little maintenance," he smirked.

"I am," I replied, only briefly glancing up from the dirt I was tilling. "I'm maintaining the expansion of the wheat field."

"You're impossible. Anyways, let's get going before breakfast gets cold."

"Dare I ask what you've made?" I hummed, leaving my tools and trotting alongside Herobrine, who suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"That reminds me," he said. He stood behind me and placed his hands over my eyes.

"Well, this isn't suspicious at all."

"It's fine, I'll guide you."

Back at the house, the warm smell of baked goods filled my nose. I let Herobrine sit me down in a chair as he removed his hands.

"You can look now," he said.

I opened my eyes. A cake sat on the table in front of me, coated in a sugar icing with sweet berries on top.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)."

"Aww, thank you, Herobrine! You big softie!" I pulled him in for a hug and (without thinking much of it) pecked a light kiss on his cheek, before quickly looking away so he wouldn't notice the faint blush on my face.

"I'm not soft," he grumbled, folding his arms as a quiet dusting of pink coated his cheeks.

"Oh?" I teased. "And cuddling me in your sleep doesn't make you soft?"

"I did not cuddle you!"

"I woke up I'm the middle of the night to you holding me like a stuffed toy."

"Whatever," Herobrine scowled, waving a dismissive hand while the colour on his face grew a darker shade of red. "Let's just drop it."

"Alright, alright," I chuckled. "I'm gonna go get changed into something less grubby, and then we can have some cake!"


We both lay on the roof of my house, watching the stars in the night sky. I tried guessing the constellations, only for Herobrine to chuckle and correct me. It was nice hearing him laugh; in the end, I simply came up with the most outlandish guesses I could.

"That one's Langors -" I pointed to the first cluster of stars I saw. "I'm pretty sure he's the one that stitched his cousin's socks to his shoes."

Herobrine snorted with laughter, and I giggled along, too.

"You made that one up!" He grinned.

"Did not! I just... discovered it."

"You're an absolute dork."

"Says you, Mr. I-Can-Name-Every-Constellation," I retorted.

We both chuckled, and I found myself slowly inching my hand over to where his at beside him. Our fingers were almost touching. Hesitantly, I reached out my pinkie finger and - ever so gently - linked it around his. I didn't look at him. I felt him tense up, then I felt his eyes on me like two moons. I was thankful for the dim light covering my red cheeks.

Then -

My heart quickened -

Herobrine moved his hand under mine, entwining our fingers.

I looked over to him - I swore his face was growing a shade of red. He smiled fondly at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

We wordlessly turned back to watching the stars pass above, hands clasped between us.

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