6 - Empty Space

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Herobrine didn't know what to think. His heart fluttered in his chest, but there was a pang of either uncertainty or nerves in his gut.

Was he dreaming?

Was (Y/N) really holding his hand?

(Y/N) didn't speak - they simply kept their (E/C) eyes glued to the night sky. Yes, perhaps he should, too. He tried to distract himself by identifying the constellations.

Herobrine heard (Y/N) yawn beside him. He sat up, still holding their hand.

"Come on, (Y/N)," he said. "I think you've had a late enough night."

They mumbled something incoherent and slowly stood up, letting go of his hand. He didn't like the sudden coldness on his palm, or the sudden twinge of disappointment in his chest. Herobrine pushed it aside, getting up to follow (Y/N) to the edge of the roof down onto the balcony and walked with them to their bedroom door.

"Thank you for today," (Y/N) said sleepily. "I had a lot of fun."

"Even though we didn't actually do anything?"

"I like spending time with you, even if we're not doing anything in particular."

Herobrine rubbed the back of his neck, not quite knowing what to say. "I - uh - I enjoy your company too."

"Then would you like to stay tonight? I mean, it's late and I don't want you to have to travel alone at night."

"Are you sure?" Herobrine asked. "It wouldn't be a bother to you?"

"Of course not!"

(Y/N) grabbed his hands and led him into the room. They fell backwards onto the bed, pulling Herobrine with them. He managed to free a hand to catch himself before he could land on (Y/N). It took Herobrine a moment to clock the position they were it: he was hovering just above (Y/N), one hand on the sheets to the side of their head and his other still held in theirs. Herobrine pulled away quickly, willing for the blush creeping onto his face to remain hidden.

"Ah, sorry about that," (Y/N) said sheepishly, sitting up and rubbing the back of their neck.

"Don't worry about it."

Herobrine kicked off his shoes and left them by the bedside stand as (Y/N) flopped back onto the sheets with their head on the pillows. He gingerly lay down on the bed beside them, staring up at the ceiling, unsure of what else to do.

Then, he tensed slightly as he felt a pressure on his front. He looked down to see (Y/N) settled on top of him, staring at him with their (E/C) eyes and that little grin.

"What're you thinkin' about?" They said.

The fact that we're both sharing a bed and that I have no idea what I'm doing and that we were holding hands just a few minutes ago and -

"Nothing much."

(Y/N) folded their arms over Herobrine's chest, leaning their chin on their forearm. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Can we hold hands more often? I kinda like it."

Herobrine noticed the pink tinge growing on (Y/N)'s cheeks. He felt his own face grow warm.

"Yeah, yeah, definitely - if you want!"

(Y/N) giggled and uncurled one of their arms, slipping their fingers through his and bringing the back of his hand to their lips. Any more of this and he'd completely cease to function, he was sure of it.

(Y/N) fell asleep almost immediately after, still with their fingers linked through his. Slowly, and ever so gently, Herobrine let go of their hand, he didn't want his arm to cramp up. Instead, he draped his arm loosely across their back and eventually fell into a calm sleep.


Though almost a week had passed, Herobrine still felt...strange in sleeping alone in a bed. He didn't know why. They'd only shared a bed twice, hadn't they? Twice, in all the time since they met.

Then...why did he find himself lying awake at night, staring at the empty space beside him?

He knew it was odd. He always slept alone in his fortress, so why did he care now?

Because this room was so much bigger and darker and colder than the one he had shared with (Y/N).

But he was used to this, wasn't he?

Herobrine sighed tiredly, sitting up on his bed. He lit the candle inside the lantern that sat on a stone shelf beside the bed. He stared at the flickering kindles of light, transfixed.

Remembering the warmth of having someone else near.

He shook the thought loose, locking it away somewhere in his mind where it wouldn't disturb him. There was little time for emotions to become distractions.

Herobrine stood and walked to the large arched window at the far end of the chamber, brining the lantern with him. The metal frame made a soft clatter that, as he set it down on the floor, echoed around like a suit of armour being flung down a flight of stairs. He sat on the ledge in front of the window, gazing up at the night sky.

Weak flecks of moonlight appeared through gaps in the clouds. The stars were nowhere to be seen. He let his mind wander back to the evening he spent with (Y/N), when he lay beside them on the roof of their house, picking out constellations and laughing along at the ones (Y/N) made up.

He let himself recall the peace and homely comfort he felt then, almost convincing himself that's what he felt now. What he should feel.

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