19 - Thunder and Blue Lightning

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Heyo! Sorry this chapter's a little late, I've been trying to find a new routine to balance my writing and homework and so far it's boiled down to "write whenever you get the chance" which, surprise surprise, isn't very often at the moment lol.

But anywho! This chapter's fairly long, and I put in some good ol' character swears, as a treat!

Bone apple teeth!


I dimly recalled the clang of the iron door opening, and the sound of heavy metallic footsteps on the stone. As an iron golem yanked me to my feet from where I lay beside Herobrine, I just about caught the words Alden was saying, though I didn’t process any of it to memory. At a glance back, I saw Herobrine struggling against the other golem as, once again, his wrists were clamped in a pair of handcuffs.

I was shoved forwards and I stumbled awkwardly until my good shoulder collided with one of the walls. I stayed there for what could have been either a breath or a thousand, willing my mind to catch up and my limbs to move. The torch on the wall opposite became two, then four, then eight, then back to one. If I had been even a little more aware in my senses, I would have also noticed the way my whole body shook, as well as the thin, misty vapours rising from my lips as I exhaled.

Everything else passed in an incoherent blur. Finally, we entered the main room where the obsidian cube sat. Compared to the cells, this room was like the Nether.  The air pinched at my cold skin, causing gooseflesh to rise along my arms. My fingertips stung. Alden lead us up another short flight of stairs to one of the indented layers. Blythe stood waiting on the edge of a platform that extended out over the top most face of the cube.

"It's about time you got here, Alden," he chided, striding over to meet us halfway as we approached. "And time is of the essence, as I expect you'd understand."

Alden said nothing, though he didn't break eye contact with Blythe either. Rather, it was Herobrine who spoke up.

"You have no idea what you're getting into," he growled. "That thing will destroy anything it pleases. Even you. It can't be controlled."

"Oh, that's right!" Blythe exclaimed. "You thwarted the damned thing last time, didn't you? Suppose that makes you the expert?

"The Wither Storm is under my command, understood? Or, at least, it will be once your dear (Y/N) fulfils their role. And then there will be nothing that anyone can do to stop me gaining total control over these feeble realms."

"The only thing here that's even remotely under your command is your own arrogance - and it seems like you're letting even that slip."


In the blink of an eye, Alden's knife was at Herobrine's throat. I saw a thin line of blood trickle down his neck, and I tried to take a step towards him out of instinct. The iron golem's hand maintained its sturdy grip on my shoulder.

"Oh? What's this?" Blythe quirked an eyebrow in amusement. "The oh-so-triumphant king suddenly needs his little pet to defend him? How precious."

I sneered at Blythe, opening my mouth to say something, but Herobrine cut me off. "(Y/N) is nobody's pet."

I repressed a shudder as Blythe's eyes glanced between me and the cube. "Yet."

"If you honestly think, for even one moment, that I'd ever take orders from you...!" Again I tried to step forward, but this time towards Blythe.

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