Chapter 3

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Later everyone was busy helping out around the scrapyard and keeping an optic out for ShadowRaker to make sure he didn't try to get Drift again.

While Knock Out, Ratchet and Fixit were trying to fix the relic to get Drift and Starscream back to normal.

When they suddenly heard Starscream cry. And rushed to see what was going on.

But saw that Windblade was now holding him and he had calmed down. And Megatron was holding Drift.

"What happened?" Asked Knock Out.

"I was trying to help out with the sparkling and picked up the wrong one but Windblade traded me Drift for Starscream so we're fine now." Megatron explained.

"I should have done that during the war." He thought to himself.

"Guess he's still scared of you." Said Ratchet.

"After everything I put him through I can't blame him." Megatron replied and they all caught a hint of remorse in his voice. He felt bad about the way he had treated the seeker and that his fear of him had carried over to his sparkling form.

Sparkling were usually extremely trusting at that age. And the fact that sparkling Starscream was terrified of Megatron spoke volumes about his feelings towards his former master.

Megatron just hoped that someday he and Starscream could be on better terms and that the seeker would forgive him for all the abuse he had put him through.

Later Knock Out was leaving the medbay and saw that Sparkling Drift had gotten out of his crib somehow. He actually had to do a double take when he saw him there.

And then to his horror he saw the Sparkling had found his energon prob and was dangerously close to being zapped by it.

"NOO!" He cried quickly grabbing the weapon only to end up being zapped by it because in his haste to protect Drift he picked it up by the wrong end.

Fortunately Drift was fine and even amused by Knock Out getting shocked as the sparkling was now clapping and giggling.

Just then Strongarm walked over and saw Knock Out on the ground with his energon prob next to him.

"Be careful with that thing you should keep it away from the sparklings." She told the red medic.

"Agreed." He replied.

"How did Drift get out of the crib?" Knock Out asked as she help him up.

"I don't know." Strongarm replied.

Then they put Drift back in the crib with Starscream who was just waking up. Then since the sparklings seemed happy at the moment they went to get them some energon.

But were surprised by what they saw when they came back Drift and Starscream were cooing at each other in sparkling gibberish and then they saw Sparkling Drift let Sparkling Starscream climb on top of him then get over the bars of the crib and start crawly away after waving at Drift.

Knock Out went over and picked up the seeker sparkling before he could go anywhere. And Sparkling Starscream smiled and giggled at him as he gently held him in his servos.

"Looks like a tag team jailbreak." Said Strongarm.

"Yeah apparently they've figured out how to get out of the crib by climbing on top of each other and decided to take turns getting out to explore." Knock Out told Strongarm now understanding what was going on and how the sparklings were getting out.

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